Grehack 2018 qualification challenge
Hacking for Chartreuse – A story in 10 chapters
- What is Chartreuse and why it is very relevant
- Punched
- More complicated than it should have been
- Weather station v0.1
- Network
- Find the password
- Micro-probing attack
- Be ready!
- The Band
- 43 years before
What is Chartreuse and why it is very relevant
The Chartreuse is the most amazing beverage ever invented, period. It's composed of 130 herbs and has an amazing taste. This liqueur is named after the Grande Chartreuse monastry, in the Chartreuse mountains, near Grenoble.
Every year, at GreHack conference, a jeopardy CTF is organized and one of the winners prices is a large bottle (some, like me, might say "2 days bottle") of chartreuse. As the conference and CTF are not free, they hold a little challenge approximately two months before and offer three places to first solvers. This year, the places were given to @Ioonag, who won the challenge in approximately two days, Ace17 and Fabrice (MrBrocoli was eaten before he could attend the conference).
Without further ado, let's dive in this year's challenges and see possible resolution methods. I'll try to detail as much as I can interesting/hard challenges, for the others, only little details will be given.
If you just want to see the solution of the most difficult step of this year's challenge (big crackme), I suggest you jump directly to The Band section. Other challenges can be fun too though and are easy to read so you probably want to read them too. Anyway, good luck. If you want to throw tomatoes at me because I talk too much, don't give enough details, say nonsense, or anything else, please do, that's all twitter is for!
As always, this type of challenges begin with a little warm up. This time you're given this image along with a hint:

We already know it's an IBM 5081 punch card (“C'est comme le Port-Salut, c'est écrit dessus”). After some time, we find an exploitable image that allows us to decode the following flag: GH18(WELCOME! GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!)
More complicated than it should have been
This new challenge is a zip archive containing a website coded in Python. The hint says:
We just found in a S3 bucket the source of a dev version of the product of a trendy startup. Let's hope they have improved their security for the launch. (
Quickly looking at the sources, we notice that
uses import jwt
. If you know your buzzwords, you already did the hardest part of the challenge. If you don't, jwt stands for JSON Web Tokens. It is a standard supposed to securely transmit data between parties. Why “supposed”? That's because, usually, you would use it with a strong hash algorithm like HMACSHA256
to sign your message. But, in some cases, you can use it without any signing.
If we look more carefully at the code of
, the cookie verification is this:
token = jwt.decode(request.COOKIES['token'], SECRET_KEY)
except InvalidKeyError:
token = jwt.decode(request.COOKIES['token'], None, False) # TODO: debug only, remove it before production
Now, looking at our own token
cookie in this debugger, here is what we have: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhZG1pbiI6ZmFsc2UsInVzZXIiOjE2fQ._6BiONay2o1dzdCeLUJrx0spOIBYJ03P4hdGG5cJtYk
The first part is the header: {"alg": "HS256","typ": "JWT"}
, the second part, the data: {"admin": false,"user": 16}
and the last one is the signature. As we don't know the SECRET_KEY
value, we cannot verify the signature or generate a new cookie. Or can we?
In the code, if the token can't be decoded, the website will try to decode it without using any signing algorithm. It means we can now create our own administrative cookie:
import jwt
jwt.encode({"admin": True, "user": 16}, '', None)
# b'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJhZG1pbiI6dHJ1ZSwidXNlciI6MTZ9.'
This gives us access to the admin panel displaying the following flag: GH18{good_old_session_cookie_would_have_been_enough}
Weather station v0.1
This time, we're given an ELF executable for who knows which architecture. Running the file
command on it will give us a first clue where to look for:
$ file 550e4ccc1dc33e029dca7e406aeb37cab6d10e013b8bd1081031069e1e589a83_station.elf.stripped
550e4ccc1dc33e029dca7e406aeb37cab6d10e013b8bd1081031069e1e589a83_station.elf.stripped: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Atmel AVR 8-bit, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped
It's compiled for Atmel processors. The hint says:
Dave started a new Arduino project, he is creating a weather station. He started his project by writing a login function, can you find his password?
So Dave doesn't want to share its information with us? That's not very nice of him. Obviously, we could simply go ask him but we don't talk to people so we'll just break into its system (because that's what we do, with hoodies on).
DISCLAIMER: if you don't know any thing about assembly or reversing, this write-up won't help you because I won't go deep into the details. If you do know some things about crackme but not a damn thing about Atmel assembly, you won't learn either.
$ r2 550e4ccc1dc33e029dca7e406aeb37cab6d10e013b8bd1081031069e1e589a83_station.elf.stripped
Warning: Cannot initialize dynamic strings
-- You crackme up!
[0x00000000]> aaaaaaaaaaaa
An r2 developer is coming to your place to manually analyze this program. Please wait for it
--press any key--
[0x00000000]> aaaa
[opcode st @84 returned 0 sym. and entry0 (aa)
[x] Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
[ ]
[Value from 0x00000000 to 0x00000744
aav: 0x00000000-0x00000744 in 0x0-0x744
aav: 0x00000000-0x00000744 in 0x800100-0x8001f8
Value from 0x00800100 to 0x008001f8
aav: 0x00800100-0x008001f8 in 0x0-0x744
aav: 0x00800100-0x008001f8 in 0x800100-0x8001f8
[opcode std @156 returned 0 cycles.ns for references (aar)
opcode lds @2d6 returned 0 cycles.
[x] Analyze len bytes of instructions for references (aar)
[x] Analyze function calls (aac)
[x] Emulate code to find computed references (aae)
[x] Analyze consecutive function (aat)
[x] Constructing a function name for fcn.* and sym.func.* functions (aan)
[x] Type matching analysis for all functions (afta)
[0x00000000]> afl
0x00000000 13 1858 -> 88 entry0
0x0000017e 1 24 fcn.0000017e
0x00000196 3 20 fcn.00000196
0x000001aa 2 66 -> 64 fcn.000001aa
0x0000027a 8 68 -> 58 fcn.0000027a
0x000002be 3 20 -> 16 fcn.000002be
0x000002d2 1 26 -> 64 fcn.000002d2
0x000002f6 3 38 loc.000002f6
0x0000031c 5 20 -> 60 fcn.0000031c
0x00000330 11 36 -> 122 fcn.00000330
0x0000049c 32 564 fcn.0000049c
0x0000072a 1 12 fcn.0000072a
0x00000736 3 12 -> 14 fcn.00000736
Okay, so, I have to tell you: Radare2 is definitely not my favorite program in the world. But keeping this aside, the last command run gives us the list of function, their offset and what I suppose is the length. The entry point is big but I'm not interested. However, the function in 0x0000049c
seems promising, let's disassemble it:
[0x00000000]> pdf @ 0x0000049c
/ (fcn) fcn.0000049c 564
| fcn.0000049c ();
| ; CALL XREF from 0x000000b2 (entry0)
| ; CALL XREF from 0x0000049c (fcn.0000049c)
| 0x0000049c 7894 sei
| 0x0000049e 84b5 in r24, 0x24 ; '$' ; IO TCNT2: Timer/Counter2 (8 bits).
| 0x000004a0 8260 ori r24, 0x02
| 0x000004a2 84bd out 0x24, r24 ; '$' ; IO TCNT2: Timer/Counter2 (8 bits).
| 0x000004a4 84b5 in r24, 0x24 ; '$' ; IO TCNT2: Timer/Counter2 (8 bits).
| |||||`--> 0x000005ee 0e948e01 call fcn.0000031c
| ||||| : 0x000005f2 8134 cpi r24, 0x41
| ||||| : 0x000005f4 9105 cpc r25, r1
| |||||,==< 0x000005f6 f1f5 brne 0x674
| ||||||: 0x000005f8 0e948e01 call fcn.0000031c
| ||||||: 0x000005fc 8635 cpi r24, 0x56
| ||||||: 0x000005fe 9105 cpc r25, r1
| ========< 0x00000600 c9f5 brne 0x674
| ||||||: 0x00000602 0e948e01 call fcn.0000031c
| ||||||: 0x00000606 8235 cpi r24, 0x52
| ||||||: 0x00000608 9105 cpc r25, r1
| ========< 0x0000060a a1f5 brne 0x674
| ||||||: 0x0000060c 0e948e01 call fcn.0000031c
| ||||||: 0x00000610 8f35 cpi r24, 0x5f
| ||||||: 0x00000612 9105 cpc r25, r1
| ========< 0x00000614 79f5 brne 0x674
| ||||||: 0x00000616 0e948e01 call fcn.0000031c
| ||||||: 0x0000061a 8335 cpi r24, 0x53
| ||||||: 0x0000061c 9105 cpc r25, r1
| ========< 0x0000061e 51f5 brne 0x674
| :: 0x000006c4 e104 cpc r14, r1
| :: 0x000006c6 f104 cpc r15, r1
| `==< 0x000006c8 19f7 brne 0x690
| : ; JMP XREF from 0x00000672 (fcn.0000049c)
| --------> 0x000006ca 0e945f01 call fcn.000002be
\ `=< 0x000006ce 60cf rjmp 0x590
I don't know anything about Atmel assembly but we can see a lot of function calls to fcn.0000031c
, followed by what might be a compare with ASCII values and a branch to an offset.
From my understanding, the function might decode a byte from our input and jump to a label if the decoded byte is not the one in the password. We could try to analyze the decoding function for fun, but I'm not funny. We're just going to grab the flag (I'm waaaay too lazy to take five years to learn r2 “hello world” scripting) with Python:
func = """
/ (fcn) fcn.0000049c 564
| fcn.0000049c ();
| ; CALL XREF from 0x000000b2 (entry0)
| ; CALL XREF from 0x0000049c (fcn.0000049c)
| : ; JMP XREF from 0x00000672 (fcn.0000049c)
| --------> 0x000006ca 0e945f01 call fcn.000002be
\ `=< 0x000006ce 60cf rjmp 0x590
print("".join([func[i+1].split(", 0x")[1].split(" ")[0].decode("hex") if "call fcn.0000031c" in l else "" for i, l in enumerate(func)]))
Running this very nice script displays GH18{AVR_St4t!on}
Okay, new step. This time we have a rather big cap
file (31647 packets) and no hint.
Analysing the PCAP
After a quick look, we can observe three things:
- All communications are on port 443
- All communications are
- All communications are initiated from a single host:,
IVRE is a famous framework that allows you to perform massive network scans and analyze data afterwards. This can mean two things for our challenge:
- It is online so we have to find a vulnerable server to exploit
- It is offline so we have to find a way to decrypt communications between IVRE and at least one server
I obviously went for the first one.
Most of the attacks on SSL/TLS
are performed by some kind of Man-in-The-Middle mechanism. For us, this has a big implication because we cannot MiTM
IVRE's server (or Internet has a BIG problem). The most probable scenario was therefore that the authors of the challenge were renting one of the servers in the scan and that it was vulnerable to Heartbleed
, with a bot accessing regularly some kind administration panel so we have some data to steal.
Following this lead I installed IVRE in a container and desperately tried to make it load the cap
file but never succeeded. Then I decided this challenge was nonsense and most likely guessing so I just started a sslscan
on all servers while looking for something else.
At that time I observed that most of the servers had a mention to CISCO so I tried to find a recent vulnerability on any type of device this constructor builds. I went as far as 2015 but didn't find anything promising.
Back to my scan. To my surprise, this was like a bad horror movie. There were sooo many servers using SSLv2
, exports suites, 40 bits keys, or that were vulnerable to heartbleed
. Unfortunately this meant for us that we were on the wrong track.
You must think this is when I switch to the offline idea? Yeah ... no! This is when I decided “Goodbye GreHack”.
Beyond the rage
On the 3rd of September, after I had long decided to stop this year's challenge, @GrehackConf published a hint on Twitter:
As many of you seem stuck on the "Network" challenge, here is a hint: The challenge is not steganography, is offline and is self-contained. Have fun!
I was still too vexed by my last attempt to give it a second try. So I just ignored that hint and went back to something else.
Some days later, a friend of mine told me this:
Hey! I found this vulnerability, this might interest you:…
OMG! I'm so dumb! I went back to 2015 but not to 2013. So, back to business. There are around 60 rv120 and roughly the same for rv220. Some might be vulnerable to the common factor attack.
Using NetworkMiner I extracted all certificates and from those certificates I extracted all public keys with the following command: openssl x509 -inform der -in CERTIF.cer -noout -pubkey
Then I used g4n4p4t1's RsaCtfTool to run the common factor attack. Unfortunately this didn't work out of the box so I monkey patched it and obtained the private keys I needed. Then I added the files to Wireshark which successfully decrypted the conversations.
Looking at GH18
in Wireshark gave me the flag: GH18{factoring_is_difficult_GCD_is_easy}
Find the password
Happy that I was finally done with the last step, I downloaded a new file named
Opening it in a text editor reveals us it's a binary file format. Running file
on it tells the file is an ELF executable for ARM processors:
$ file ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=018af0cb56c51e3f91e5b2c4b6739a27bc24648b, stripped
Running strings
(real reversers use almost only strings
, it's widely known) gives us a first understanding of what we're facing:
Welcome to the super-secure standard compliant auth_modul.
Please enter the password:
Access Denied
GCC: (Raspbian 6.3.0-18+rpi1+deb9u1) 6.3.0 20170516
- The crackme was compiled on a raspbian, meaning we could use this platform to run the binary
- We will be invited to input a password to access a secure space
- There is a
bad boy
and there is agood boy
message - The string
is very likely our password in the form of acrypt
So here, there are two approaches to obtain our flag: we could dive into reversing this binary and understanding its logic or we could run it. We'll use the third one and just assume we're right and the suspicious string is the hash of the password.
Usually, a crypt
hash looks like this: $ALGID$SALT$HASH
. Our string seems to respect the same syntax with minor changes: $
are %
which corresponds to a difference of 1 in ASCII: 37 - 36 = 1
. That said, there are some forbidden characters in the rest of the string to have a valid hash but it happens that [ - 1 = Z
which is valid. So, what if we just apply minus 1 to all the string? It becomes $6$EasyFlagForU$j0pvEewFWr3vA78VlV1toelE4ikDsK3e7fNS3yEZPfOkhXM6wmAHLcZKZg2KP51jd78gGm4ofR17tTb0lWIoA1
which is a valid sha512crypt
hash. We're one john away from the flag now:
$ john /tmp/ajklq --wordlist:rockyou
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 1 password hash (sha512crypt, crypt(3) $6$ [SHA512 256/256 AVX2 4x])
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
winter (flag)
We can validate with the flag winter
Micro-probing attack
This new challenge is composed of two files: a Python script and a README which explains how the challenge works, what it does and how you can interact with it.
Long story short: an online service (the python script) emulates a device that “securely” computes a binary and
on two constant values (the flag and a mask) and simulates leaks that could be obtained using side-channel attacks on the wires of that device.
You can probe up to 4 wires at a time. They are situated between different components of the device (for us this means at different steps of the computation).
Build a "debugger"
The problem sounds easy (and is probably) but looking at the code, it's really not immediate to understand what it does. So the first for me was to debug all the things. Obviously, by debug, I understand "print" (is there really another way to debug things?) all the values we can.
To do this I added "hooks" where necessary in the secure_and
function. I then created a loop waiting for my inputs, very much like the Cmd
module does (but far less complete as I didn't need too many things).
def play(flag, mask):
import os
ex = ["q", "exit", "quit"]
while True:
print("\n\n=== ")
cmd = raw_input("What do we do? ")
if cmd in ex:
if cmd in ["cls", "clear", "reset"]:
if cmd.startswith("flag"):
flag = bytearray()
flag.extend(cmd.split("flag ")[1])
elif cmd.startswith("mask"):
mask = bytearray()
mask.extend(cmd.split("mask ")[1])
elif cmd.startswith("bits"):
print(bytes_to_bits(flag), len(bytes_to_bits(mask)))
elif cmd.startswith("sharing"):
tmp = bytes_to_bits(flag)
for i, a, b in zip(xrange(len(tmp)), tmp, bytes_to_bits(mask)):
print(i, sharing(a, d), sharing(b, d))
elif cmd.startswith("probe"):
probes = cmd.split("probe ")[1]
print(simulate_leaks(flag, mask, probes))
elif cmd.startswith("dbg"):
# x to debug all
# z to debug c_sharing tables
# p to debug alpha
# a to debug a
# b to debug b
# s to debug c_sharing
# c to debug c
print(simulate_leaks(flag, mask, [], cmd.split("dbg ")[1]))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
cmd = raw_input("\nDo we quit? ")
if cmd in ex + ["y", "yes"]:
except IndexError:
print("Error in the cmd")
The commands are self explanatory and the script can be found there.
What?! How?!
If you look at the calculation performed, you'll see that some xor
and only one and
are performed and all this combined results in flag & mask
. So what the hell is happening? We will try to decompose each part using the dbg x
--- simulate_leaks("A", "B")
('flag', bytearray(b'A'), [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])
('mask', bytearray(b'B'), [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])
First, the flag ("A") and mask ("B") are decomposed in bits by the function simulate_leaks
which then calls the function secure_and
for every bit to and
--- secure_and(1, 0)
before sharing a: 1
before sharing b: 0
So secure_and
has to calculate a&b
. For this, it will create what I interpreted as a checksum using the sharing
s_sharing = []
for i in range(d):
This code creates a list with d
random bits and xor
all those with a
. As a result, the last bit of the list is a check because if we xor
all the bits between them we will always find a
. This is a very very important property for the rest of the problem.
- sharing(a=1)
after sharing a: [0, 0, 1, 1, 1] = 0^0^1^1^1 = 1 = a || [0, 0, 1, 1, m]
- sharing(b=0)
after sharing b: [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] = 0^0^0^1^1 = 1 = b || [0, 0, 0, 1, n]
We will name those "checksum" bits m
and n
A consequence of the rule we stated is that the only bit we care about in this list is the checksum bit because this is the only one linked to the original input.
After this we compute the and
of every bit with every other bits:
alpha = []
for i in range(len(a)):
for j in range(len(b)):
alpha[-1].append(a[i] & b[j])
This will result in a list of lists that would look like this for our example:
|| 0 1 2 3 4
alpha: [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], || 0 [0 0 0 0 0&n]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], || 1 [0 0 0 0 0&n]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 1], || 2 [0 0 0 1 1&n]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 1], || 3 [0 0 0 1 1&n]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 1]] || 4 [m&0 m&0 m&0 m&1 m&n]
On the right I applied some tainting so you can see where are our checksum bits.
Then, this is where the magic happens and I honestly don't know how to explain with words what's happening:
c_0,0 = tmp ^ alpha[0][0] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_0,1 = tmp ^ alpha[1][0] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_0,2 = tmp ^ alpha[2][0] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_0,3 = tmp ^ alpha[3][0] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_0,4 = tmp ^ alpha[0][1] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_sharing[0] = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_1,0 = tmp ^ alpha[1][1] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_1,1 = tmp ^ alpha[2][1] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_1,2 = tmp ^ alpha[3][1] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_1,3 = tmp ^ alpha[4][1] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ (m&0)
c_1,4 = tmp ^ alpha[1][2] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_sharing[1] = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_2,0 = tmp ^ alpha[2][2] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_2,1 = tmp ^ alpha[3][2] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_2,2 = tmp ^ alpha[4][2] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ (m&0)
c_2,3 = tmp ^ alpha[0][2] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_2,4 = tmp ^ alpha[2][3] = 0 ^ 1 = 1 || 0 ^ 1
c_sharing[2] = 1 || 0 ^ 1
c_3,0 = tmp ^ alpha[3][3] = 0 ^ 1 = 1 || 0 ^ 1
c_3,1 = tmp ^ alpha[4][3] = 1 ^ 1 = 0 || 1 ^ (m&1)
c_3,2 = tmp ^ alpha[0][3] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_3,3 = tmp ^ alpha[1][3] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ 0
c_3,4 = tmp ^ alpha[3][4] = 0 ^ 1 = 1 || 0 ^ (1&n)
c_sharing[3] = 1 || 0 ^ (1&n)
c_4,0 = tmp ^ alpha[4][4] = 0 ^ 1 = 1 || 0 ^ (m&n)
c_4,1 = tmp ^ alpha[0][4] = 1 ^ 0 = 1 || 1 ^ (0&n)
c_4,2 = tmp ^ alpha[1][4] = 1 ^ 0 = 1 || 1 ^ (0&n)
c_4,3 = tmp ^ alpha[2][4] = 1 ^ 1 = 0 || 1 ^ (1&n)
c_4,4 = tmp ^ alpha[4][0] = 0 ^ 0 = 0 || 0 ^ (m&0)
c_sharing[0] = 0 || 0 ^ (m&0)
c_sharing: [0, 0, 1, 1, 0] || [0^0, 0^0, 0^1, 0^(1&n), 0^(m&0)]
We xor
things again in a weird way by cycle of 5 values, ending with a new list composed of the total xor
of every cycle. Then, this list is (you won't guess that one!) ... xor
ed again resulting in a&b = 1&0 = 0
c: 0
Yes, I heard you say “what?! How?!” and, honestly, I don't have a damn clue...
Solving by bruteforcing
Thing is you don't necessarily have to understand how something is working to successfully break it. Here, we can break the “secure and” without understanding how it's computed. With the debug traces we have everything we need to solve the challenge. We quickly understand that by probing only the wires b_4;alpha_3,4;c_4,3
we are able to obtain the original flag by xor
ing alpha_3,4
and c_4,3
when b_4 = 1
This is just combinatorial logic, understanding the solving script and why it works is left as an exercise to the reader. Anyways, playing this script will give you the flag GH18{Not_secure_against_d-probing_attacks}
As you can see, we only probe three wires at a time while we can use four. I don't know what was the intended solution using all the wires but, hey, this one works. If the creator of the challenge reads this (or someone who used all the wires), I would be curious to read your solution.
Be ready!
Let's have a little interlude before the real deal:
$ file d6a5e6d12a54f89ce8c8adbbf5c5891542368d96a81f56a7393a8a70fae44c52_binary.elf
d6a5e6d12a54f89ce8c8adbbf5c5891542368d96a81f56a7393a8a70fae44c52_binary.elf: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, UCB RISC-V, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.0.0, BuildID[sha1]=248cf83d3109d51a4bae3c1a3f3f5ae1b219b9c7, with debug_info, not stripped
So that's a RISC-V crackme. The hint is pretty clear:
Reverse it or run it? Your choice.
If we run it, we have the flag. I'm obviously waaaay too lazy to install whatever is needed to run it. This architecture is pretty new but very well documented: instruction set, calling convention. There's an IDA processor 0xDeva developed for 2017's SSTIC challenge but it's not compatible with IDA >7.0. We'll just use r2
[0x000103a0]> afl
0x00010380 1 76 sym.imp.printf
0x000103a0 1 44 entry0
0x000103cc 1 10 fcn.000103cc
0x000103d6 3 84 sym.deregister_tm_clones
0x00010430 1 108 sym.register_tm_clones
0x000104a2 1 32 sym.__do_global_dtors_aux
0x000104ca 1 16 sym.frame_dummy
0x000104e0 1 74 sym.setFlag
0x0001052a 3 362 -> 364 sym.setX_OrTable
0x0001056a 3 298 -> 300 sym.applyModify
0x000105aa 3 234 -> 236 sym.X_Or
0x00010662 1 108 sym.__libc_csu_fini
We have some interesting names here and weird thing is we do not have a main. Anyways, we'll take a quick look at the interesting functions and then we'll come back to that problem later.
[0x000103a0]> pdf @ sym.setFlag
/ (fcn) sym.setFlag 74
| sym.setFlag ();
| ; CALL XREF from 0x000105ec (sym.setX_OrTable)
| 0x000104e0 13071004 li a4, 65
| 0x000104e4 2380e182 sb a4, -2016(gp)
| 0x000104e8 93870182 addi a5, gp, -2016
| 0x000104ec 1307a007 li a4, 122
| 0x000104f0 a380e700 sb a4, 1(a5)
| 0x000104f4 13071006 li a4, 97
| 0x000104f8 2381e700 sb a4, 2(a5)
| 0x000104fc 1307e006 li a4, 110
| 0x00010500 a381e700 sb a4, 3(a5)
| 0x00010504 1307f006 li a4, 111
| 0x00010508 2382e700 sb a4, 4(a5)
| 0x0001050c 13076007 li a4, 118
| 0x00010510 a382e700 sb a4, 5(a5)
| 0x00010514 13079006 li a4, 105
| 0x00010518 2383e700 sb a4, 6(a5)
| 0x0001051c 13073006 li a4, 99
| 0x00010520 a383e700 sb a4, 7(a5)
| 0x00010524 23840700 sb zero, 8(a5)
| 0x00010528 8280 ret
Let's explain this a little:
li a4, 65
, load immediate: puts the value65
in the registera4
sb a4, -2016(gp)
, store byte: stores the content of the registera4
at the memory address contained ingp
minus 2016addi a5, gp, -2016
, add immediate: adds -2016 to the address contained ingp
and puts the computed value ina5
. This meansa5
now points to the memory address where we just put65
sb a4, 1(a5)
: stores the value ofa4
At the end of the function we have [65,122,97,110,111,118,105,99]
in gp - 2016
. Let's disassemble sym.setX_OrTable
[0x000103a0]> pdf @ sym.setX_OrTable
/ (fcn) sym.setX_OrTable 364
| sym.setX_OrTable ();
| 0x0001052a 5147 li a4, 20
| 0x0001052c 238ce180 sb a4, -2024(gp)
| 0x00010530 93878181 addi a5, gp, -2024
| 0x00010534 93069002 li a3, 41
| 0x00010538 a380d700 sb a3, 1(a5)
| 0x0001053c 2381e700 sb a4, 2(a5)
| 0x00010540 1307e003 li a4, 62
| 0x00010544 a381e700 sb a4, 3(a5)
| 0x00010548 13077003 li a4, 55
| 0x0001054c 2382e700 sb a4, 4(a5)
| 0x00010550 13072005 li a4, 82
| 0x00010554 a382e700 sb a4, 5(a5)
| 0x00010558 13071003 li a4, 49
| 0x0001055c 2383e700 sb a4, 6(a5)
| 0x00010560 13073004 li a4, 67
| 0x00010564 a383e700 sb a4, 7(a5)
| 0x00010568 8280 ret
;-- main:
| 0x000105e8 4111 addi sp, sp, -16
| 0x000105ea 06e4 sd ra, 8(sp)
| 0x000105ec eff05fef jal ra, sym.setFlag
| 0x000105f0 eff0bff3 jal ra, sym.setX_OrTable
| 0x000105f4 eff07ff7 jal ra, sym.applyModify
| 0x000105f8 eff03ffb jal ra, sym.X_Or
| 0x000105fc eff03ffd jal ra, sym.printFlag
| 0x00010600 1305a002 li a0, 42
| 0x00010604 a260 ld ra, 8(sp)
| 0x00010606 4101 addi sp, sp, 16
| 0x00010608 8280 ret
So we now have our answer: radare had some troubles creating functions and put everything under sym.setX_OrTable
. Good thing is we have the code of main
and we now know the order in which functions are called. I won't dive into the details of sym.setX_OrTable
as it's exactly the same thing as sym.setFlag
but with different value. At the end, gp - 2024 = [20,41,20,62,55,82,49,67]
;-- applyModify:
| 0x0001056a c967 lui a5, 0x12
| 0x0001056c 93870700 mv a5, a5
| 0x00010570 13870182 addi a4, gp, -2016
| 0x00010574 13860701 addi a2, a5, 16
| 0x00010578 21a8 j 0x10590
| 0x0001057a 83460700 lbu a3, 0(a4)
| 0x0001057e 83c51700 lbu a1, 1(a5)
| 0x00010582 8d9e subw a3, a3, a1
| 0x00010584 2300d700 sb a3, 0(a4)
| 0x00010588 8907 addi a5, a5, 2
| 0x0001058a 0507 addi a4, a4, 1
| 0x0001058c 638ec700 beq a5, a2, 0x105a8
| 0x00010590 83c60700 lbu a3, 0(a5)
| 0x00010594 858a andi a3, a3, 1
| 0x00010596 f5d2 beqz a3, 0x1057a
| 0x00010598 83460700 lbu a3, 0(a4)
| 0x0001059c 83c51700 lbu a1, 1(a5)
| 0x000105a0 ad9e addw a3, a3, a1
| 0x000105a2 2300d700 sb a3, 0(a4)
| 0x000105a6 cdb7 j 0x10588
That's the somewhat tricky function. lui a5, 0x12
is load UPPER immediate and not UNSIGNED. It places the immediate in the top 20 bits of the register filling the lowest 12 bits with zeros meaning a5 = 0x12 << 12 = 0x12000
The equivalent of that function is:
a4 = [65,122,97,110,111,118,105,99]
a5 = [0x42,0x03,0x65,0x01,0x20,0x04,0x52,0x01,0x65,0x05,0x61,0x09,0x64,0x02,0x79,0x06]
f = []
for i in range(0, len(a5)-1, 2):
if a5[i] & 1:
f.append(a4[i/2] + a5[i+1])
f.append(a4[i/2] - a5[i+1])
And the last one:
;-- X_Or:
| 0x000105aa 93870182 addi a5, gp, -2016
| 0x000105ae 93868181 addi a3, gp, -2024
| 0x000105b2 93858700 addi a1, a5, 8
| 0x000105b6 03c70700 lbu a4, 0(a5)
| 0x000105ba 03c60600 lbu a2, 0(a3)
| 0x000105be 318f xor a4, a4, a2
| 0x000105c0 2380e700 sb a4, 0(a5)
| 0x000105c4 8507 addi a5, a5, 1
| 0x000105c6 8506 addi a3, a3, 1
| 0x000105c8 e397b7fe bne a5, a1, 0x105b6
| 0x000105cc 8280 ret
This translates to:
print("".join([chr(x ^ y) for x,y in zip(f, [20,41,20,62,55,82,49,67])]))
This gives the flag GH18{*RISC-V*}
As a bonus you can have this awesome one-liner I solved the challenge with:
print("GH18{%s}" % "".join([chr(((f - c) ^ x) & 0xff) if m & 1 == 0 else chr(((f + c) ^ x) & 0xff) for f, m, c, x in zip([65,122,97,110,111,118,105,99], [0x42,0x65,0x20,0x52,0x65,0x61,0x64,0x79], [3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6], [20,41,20,62,55,82,49,67])]))
The Band
Well, that one was easy. Now, an x86 binary! Yay!
$ file b6d154b60aa2231edaf083bf136cd09d34b8f68a35e422d21fee7abf6c53b527_theband
b6d154b60aa2231edaf083bf136cd09d34b8f68a35e422d21fee7abf6c53b527_theband: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=2778cbe1f44064a57728c680bfce0e13f6e47aab, dynamically linked, interpreter \004, stripped
Hmmm. There are some weird things happening here! First, it pretends to be a shared library and then it says its interpreter is \004
. Someone must have messed with the headers. Let's try another command:
$ readelf -a 7/b6d154b60aa2231edaf083bf136cd09d34b8f68a35e422d21fee7abf6c53b527_theband
En-tête ELF:
Magique: 7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Classe: ELF64
Données: complément à 2, système à octets de poids faible d'abord (little endian)
Version: 1 (current)
OS/ABI: UNIX - System V
Version ABI: 0
Type: DYN (fichier objet partagé)
Machine: Advanced Micro Devices X86-64
Version: 0x1
Adresse du point d'entrée: 0x22b0
Début des en-têtes de programme : 64 (octets dans le fichier)
Début des en-têtes de section : 0 (octets dans le fichier)
Fanions: 0x0
Taille de cet en-tête: 64 (octets)
Taille de l'en-tête du programme: 56 (octets)
Nombre d'en-tête du programme: 11
Taille des en-têtes de section: 64 (octets)
Nombre d'en-têtes de section: 0
Table d'indexes des chaînes d'en-tête de section: 0
Il n'y a pas de section dans ce fichier.
Il n'y a pas de section à grouper dans ce fichier.
En-têtes de programme :
Type Décalage Adr.virt Adr.phys.
Taille fichier Taille mémoire Fanion Alignement
PHDR 0x0000000000000040 0x0000000000000040 0x0000000000000040
0x0000000000000268 0x0000000000000268 R 0x8
INTERP 0x00000000000002a8 0x00000000000002a8 0x00000000000002a8
0x000000000000001c 0x000000000000001c R 0x1
[Réquisition de l'interpréteur de programme: /lib64/]
0x000000006ffffff9 (RELACOUNT) 6
0x0000000000000000 (NULL) 0x0
Il n'y a pas d'informations de réadressage statique dans ce fichier.
Pour voir les réadressages dynamiques, ajoutez --use-dynamic à la ligne de commande.
Le décodage de la section de déroulement pour le type de machine Advanced Micro Devices X86-64 n'est pas actuellement supporté.
L'information dynamique des symboles n'est pas disponible pour l'affichage des symboles.
Okay so there's some Camembert here but long story short: readelf
can't find any section in the binary. That's a bit of a problem. Meh! Let's ignore that fact and just go reverse the binary. I'm too lazy to investigate (and TBH during the challenge I didn't even noticed the problem).
Removing obfuscation
Now for some reversing fun, let's fire up IDA and see what's the binary like:

There's some obfuscation that prevents IDA from understanding what's happening in the stack (hence the sp-analysis failed
). What's happening in loc_2cdd6

Some more obfuscation. This time IDA is fooled into thinking the program will jump right in the middle of an instruction (indicated by the loc_X+2
) resulting in the disassembler decoding a junk instruction. This type of obfuscation is called opaque predicate (if you are a Binary Ninja (awesome tool) user, this probably works almost out of the box, if not out the box). Basically it makes the disassembler think it cannot predict which branch will be taken while it's actually very predictable. This obfuscates both the real code executed and the flow graph. Removing the first one in IDA is pretty easy. You simply unset the instruction the jump points to. This will force IDA to display the real jump address which you can then transform back to code:

This is really cleaner and makes a lot more sense! Now we can see a call to malloc
that was hidden before. That said, this still breaks the graph in IDA so we'll get rid of the fake jumps.
As this technique is used all over the place, we won't deobfuscate everything by hand, that would take soooo much time. Instead we will use some very very clean script to replace all the jnz
(that are part of the obfuscation, obviously) by jmp
(I didn't think about this technique during the challenge and replaced the whole obfuscation by nop
s, which was not very clean):
open("the_band_patched", "w").write(re.sub(r'\x5b\x75\x02', '\x5b\xeb\x02', open("b6d154b60aa2231edaf083bf136cd09d34b8f68a35e422d21fee7abf6c53b527_theband").read()))

That's neat! We have a really cleaner graph now. Let's dive into this thing!
High-level overview of the crackme
As of now, we still didn't execute the binary, let's see what happens (you should always run untrusted binaries in isolated environment):
$ b6d154b60aa2231edaf083bf136cd09d34b8f68a35e422d21fee7abf6c53b527_theband
Did you really think we would help you with the input format?
What a mess. People are throwing you tomatoes. Go fix your partition.
It's not giving us much information to work with. We do not have any clue what the input must look like.
Looking at this message, the name of the challenge and the fact that the CTF is very retro, my first thought was that we will be reversing a VM emulating a multi-tape Turing Machine. Turns out I was very wrong. Anyways, locating this message in the binary will still give us a bit of information.
It is located in loc_2cdd6
. This function first calls loc_2C881
, sub_2CCBB
, sub_2CC87
, and then forks itself. The child process will proceed to loc_2CA4E
and exit
with the results of the previous function as exit code. The parent will proceed to loc_2CA4E
, store its result, wait for the child to finish to get its exit code. Then, it will verify that the two results are the same and that the result of the call to loc_2C881
is equal to the constant 7
. If these conditions are filled then, it means we won, otherwise, we lost. From now on, we will call loc_2cdd6
Looking quickly at loc_2C881
we see that there are a bunch of calls to internal functions and some library ones. We can see that stdin
is referenced in a call to fgets
so we know this is where our input is obtained and processed. sub_2CCBB
and sub_2CC87
initialize what seems to be three random numbers (I will call sub_2CCBB
and sub_2CC87
). loc_2CA4E
has a bunch of calls too, which are pretty much the same as loc_2C881
, and in the same order. Therefor, we will call loc_2C881
and loc_2CA4E
Analyzing the multi-core VM
Tracing the program
A good way to obtain information about a program is by tracing it. Many methods exist:
- a PIN/DynamoRIO tool
- Symbolic execution (with angr tracer for example)
- ...
At first, I created a PIN tool but I obtain a ~3GB output, which was too painful to process. I could have reduced the amount of information I extracted but in the end it resulted in something like function input output
so I decided to use strace
$ strace -f ./the_band_patched_jmp
execve("./the_band_patched_jmp", ["./the_band_patched_jmp"], 0x7fff8ac68698 /* 92 vars */) = 0
statfs("/dev/shm/", {f_type=TMPFS_MAGIC, f_bsize=4096, f_blocks=4105956, f_bfree=4076151, f_bavail=4076151, f_files=4105956, f_ffree=4105551, f_fsid={val=[0, 0]}, f_namelen=255, f_frsize=4096, f_flags=ST_VALID|ST_NOSUID|ST_NODEV}) = 0
futex(0x7f7e60565370, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 2147483647) = 0
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/dev/shm/KaHRGnS4AbEctG6msyzc", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_NOFOLLOW|O_CLOEXEC, 0660) = 3
ftruncate(3, 1048576) = 0
mmap(NULL, 1048576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 3, 0) = 0x7f7e6085e000
"AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD\n", 1024) = 17
rt_sigaction(SIGTERM, {sa_handler=0x55a15b06b3a9, sa_mask=[], sa_flags=SA_RESTORER, sa_restorer=0x7f7e60359f50}, NULL, 8) = 0
pipe([4, 5]) = 0
pipe([6, 7]) = 0
clone(strace: Process 27854 attached
child_stack=NULL, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x7f7e6095ee50) = 27854
[pid 27854] set_robust_list(0x7f7e6095ee60, 24) = 0
[pid 27839] clone( <unfinished ...>
[pid 27854] close(5) = 0
[pid 27854] mmap(NULL, 1048576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 3, 0 <unfinished ...>
[pid 27839] <... clone resumed> child_stack=NULL, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x7f7e6095ee50) = 27855
strace: Process 27855 attached
[pid 27839] close(4 <unfinished ...>
[pid 27854] <... mmap resumed> ) = 0x7f7e5fafb000
[pid 27839] <... close resumed> ) = 0
[pid 27855] set_robust_list(0x7f7e6095ee60, 24 <unfinished ...>
[pid 27839] close(6 <unfinished ...>
[pid 27855] <... set_robust_list resumed> ) = 0
[pid 27839] <... close resumed> ) = 0
Well, this is something! Now, we know that:
- a shared memory,
), is created with the very specific nameKaHRGnS4AbEctG6msyzc
- two pipes are created
- at least 3 forks are running at the same time
From this we can deduce that one of the forks communicates with the two others via pipe. We can probably obtain some more information but the trace is not easily readable due to thread concurrency. So, first thing first, let's build a sequential trace!
Building a sequential trace with strace
The output of strace
is very nice and convenient for us. We can see four patterns here:
function = result
[pid X] function = result
[pid X] function <unfinished
[pid X] function resumed> = result
First, we will need to sort things by pIDs, then, we will group by functions, and last, we put pieces back together in the order they were executed.
The script gives this output:
execve("./the_band_patched_jmp", ["./the_band_patched_jmp"], 0x7fff8ac68698 /* 92 vars */) = 0
statfs("/dev/shm/", {f_type=TMPFS_MAGIC, f_bsize=4096, f_blocks=4105956, f_bfree=4076151, f_bavail=4076151, f_files=4105956, f_ffree=4105551, f_fsid={val=[0, 0]}, f_namelen=255, f_frsize=4096, f_flags=ST_VALID|ST_NOSUID|ST_NODEV}) = 0
futex(0x7f7e60565370, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 2147483647) = 0
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/dev/shm/KaHRGnS4AbEctG6msyzc", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_NOFOLLOW|O_CLOEXEC, 0660) = 3
ftruncate(3, 1048576) = 0
mmap(NULL, 1048576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 3, 0) = 0x7f7e6085e000
fstat(0, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0620, st_rdev=makedev(136, 1), ...}) = 0
"AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD\n", 1024) = 17
rt_sigaction(SIGTERM, {sa_handler=0x55a15b06b3a9, sa_mask=[], sa_flags=SA_RESTORER, sa_restorer=0x7f7e60359f50}, NULL, 8) = 0
pipe([4, 5]) = 0
pipe([6, 7]) = 0
clone(strace: Process 27854 attached
child_stack=NULL, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x7f7e6095ee50) = 27854
[pid 27854] set_robust_list(0x7f7e6095ee60, 24) = 0
[pid 27839] clone(child_stack=NULL, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x7f7e6095ee50) = 27855
[pid 27854] close(5) = 0
[pid 27854] mmap(NULL, 1048576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 3, 0) = 0x7f7e5fafb000
strace: Process 27855 attached
[pid 27839] close(4) = 0
Nicer, no? Now we can try to find some patterns, which would help us understand which operations are repeated, how many times and how parameters are changing.
Understanding signals role
The first pattern we can notice is the following one:
[pid thread0] rt_sigaction(SIGTERM, ...) = 0
[pid thread0] pipe([fd_thread1_read, fd_thread1_write]) = 0
[pid thread0] pipe([fd_thread2_read, fd_thread2_write]) = 0
[pid thread0] clone(...) = thread1
[pid thread0] clone(...) = thread2
[pid thread0] close(fd_thread1_read) = 0
[pid thread0] close(fd_thread2_read) = 0
[pid thread0] clone(...) = thread3
[pid thread0] futex(0x7f7e6085e720, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, 0xffffffff) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted if SA_RESTART is set)
[pid thread0] futex(0x7f7e6085e720, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, 0xffffffff) = 0
I added some useful information like names instead of numbers (for file descriptors and process IDs), deleted things we don't care about, and put things in a more meaningful order to make things easier.
So, here we can see that thread0
creates the pipes, forks itself three times and then puts itself in hold with futex(FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET)
[pid thread1] close(fd_thread1_write) = 0
[pid thread1] mmap(NULL, 1048576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_shm, 0) = 0x7f7e5fafb000
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_2, ...) = 0
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_3, ...) = 0
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_4, ...) = 0
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_5, ...) = 0
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_6, ...) = 0
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_7, ...) = 0
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_8, ...) = 0
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_9, ...) = 0
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_10, ...) = 0
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_11, ...) = 0
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_12, ...) = 0
[pid thread1] rt_sigaction(SIGRT_13, ...) = 0
Then, thread1
& thread2
each reference 14 functions that will be called when SIGUSR2-13
will be emitted.
[pid thread3] mmap(NULL, 1048576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_shm, 0) = 0x7f7e5fafb000
[pid thread3] write(fd_thread1_write, "\10\0\0\0\n\0\0\0", 8) = 8
[pid thread3] write(fd_thread2_write, "\10\0\0\0\v\0\0\0", 8) = 8
[pid thread3] getpid() = thread3
[pid thread3] kill(thread3, SIGSTOP) = 0
[pid thread3] --- SIGSTOP {si_signo=SIGSTOP, si_code=SI_USER, si_pid=thread3, si_uid=1000} ---
[pid thread3] --- stopped by SIGSTOP ---
[pid thread0] --- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD, si_code=CLD_STOPPED, si_pid=thread3, si_uid=1000, si_status=SIGSTOP, si_utime=0, si_stime=0} ---
[pid thread2] read(fd_thread2_read,"\10\0\0\0\v\0\0\0", 8) = 8
[pid thread2] getpid() = thread2
[pid thread2] kill(thread2, SIGRT_10) = 0
[pid thread2] --- SIGRT_10 {si_signo=SIGRT_10, si_code=SI_USER, si_pid=thread2, si_uid=1000} ---
[pid thread2] getpid() = thread2
[pid thread2] rt_sigreturn({mask=[]}) = 0
[pid thread1] read(fd_thread1_read, "\10\0\0\0\n\0\0\0", 8) = 8
[pid thread1] getpid() = thread1
[pid thread1] kill(thread1, SIGRT_10) = 0
[pid thread1] --- SIGRT_10 {si_signo=SIGRT_10, si_code=SI_USER, si_pid=thread1, si_uid=1000} ---
[pid thread1] getpid() = thread1
[pid thread1] futex(0x7f7e5fafb720, FUTEX_WAKE, 1) = 1
Here, things are a little more messy but everything boils down to:
writes 8 bytes to the two pipes then stops itself viaSIGSTOP
read the 8 bytes from their respective pipes and send themselves aSIGRT_10
wakes upthread0
Second pattern we can see:
[pid thread1] rt_sigreturn({mask=[]}) = 0
[pid thread0] wait4(thread3,NULL, WSTOPPED, NULL) = thread3
[pid thread0] kill(thread3, SIGCONT) = 0
[pid thread0] --- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD, si_code=CLD_CONTINUED, si_pid=thread3, si_uid=1000, si_status=SIGCONT, si_utime=0, si_stime=0} ---
[pid thread0] futex(0x7f7e6085e720, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, 0xffffffff) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted if SA_RESTART is set)
[pid thread3] --- SIGCONT {si_signo=SIGCONT, si_code=SI_USER, si_pid=thread0, si_uid=1000} ---
[pid thread3] write(fd_thread1_write, "\7\0\0\0\n\0\0\0", 8) = 8
[pid thread3] write(fd_thread2_write, "\10\0\0\0\v\0\0\0", 8) = 8
[pid thread3] getpid() = thread3
[pid thread3] kill(thread3, SIGSTOP) = 0
[pid thread3] --- SIGSTOP {si_signo=SIGSTOP, si_code=SI_USER, si_pid=thread3, si_uid=1000} ---
[pid thread3] --- stopped by SIGSTOP ---
[pid thread0] --- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD, si_code=CLD_STOPPED, si_pid=thread3, si_uid=1000, si_status=SIGSTOP, si_utime=0, si_stime=0} ---
[pid thread0] futex(0x7f7e6085e720, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, NULL, 0xffffffff) = 0
[pid thread2] getpid() = thread2
[pid thread2] kill(thread2, SIGRT_10) = 0
[pid thread2] --- SIGRT_10 {si_signo=SIGRT_10, si_code=SI_USER, si_pid=thread2, si_uid=1000} ---
[pid thread2] getpid() = thread2
[pid thread2] rt_sigreturn({mask=[]}) = 0
[pid thread2] read(fd_thread2_read,"\10\0\0\0\v\0\0\0", 8) = 8
[pid thread1] getpid() = thread1
[pid thread1] kill(thread1, SIGRT_9) = 0
[pid thread1] --- SIGRT_9 {si_signo=SIGRT_9, si_code=SI_USER, si_pid=thread1, si_uid=1000} ---
[pid thread1] getpid() = thread1
[pid thread1] read(fd_thread1_read,"\7\0\0\0\n\0\0\0", 8) = 8
[pid thread1] futex(0x7f7e5fafb720, FUTEX_WAKE, 1) = 1
Thing is, the script that builds a sequential trace doesn't take into account that read
waits for its input. So, sometimes, you can have a little confusion in the trace as threadX can read
, wait for its input, and, a "long time after", thread3
writes to the input and threadX finishes read
(t1 read begin; t1 read suspend; t3 write ; t1 read finished
). This sequence will end-up in t1 read ; t3 write
which doesn't make much sense so be careful about that when reading the captured data.
Anyways, we can still see that the same scheme is used again:
writes 8 bytes to the two pipes then stops itself viaSIGSTOP
read the 8 bytes from their respective pipes and send themselves a signalthread1
wakes upthread0
The main difference here lies in the values written/read. thread2
receives \10
(0x08) again, with the same signal as before (SIGRT_10
), whereas thread1
receives \7
(0x7) with a signal SIGRT_9
. At the same time, the second DWORD \v\0\0\0
does not seem to change across cycles for each thread.
Architecture of the VM
We can deduce some important things from the previous information we obtained:
- signal emitted depend on the value written/read through pipes
- cycles will almost look the same
Sadly (or happily, it depends on how much you enjoy reversing) for us, this probably means that:
- we are facing a multicore virtual machine
- its opcodes are sent to its "cores" through pipes
- its opcode handlers are signal handlers
With all the information we obtained until now, we can make a little drawing of the VM architecture to make things clearer.

Until now we managed to obtain information about the crackme without reversing anything but I think now may be the time.
First, let's backport what we know in the disassembler. You'll see, we know a lot!
defines all the signal handlers so it could be renamed toVMHandlersSetupAndExecute
handles signalSIGUSR2+7
which was used with opcode7
so let's rename itVMHandler_Sig09_Op07
handles signalSIGUSR2+8
which was used with opcode8
so let's rename itVMHandler_Sig10_Op08
- it seems we have a new pattern here:
equals opcodeX
so let's rename all handlers fromVMHandler_Sig02_Op00
- ...
I won't do it all, you got the idea. Going back to the function step0
, we have a lot of work to do.
First call we encounter is sub_245C
. This one does two calls.
The first one checks if the shared memory is initialized, otherwise it creates it and seems to put some sort of weird structure into the beginning of the SHM. We will call sub_3DC4

The second one, sub_3425
, is a little trickier.
It first calls sub_3FB1
which does some black magic and takes an integer as argument, let's deal with that later. The result of that call goes into the global variable dword_32168
The second call, sub_4883
, takes the result of the previous call as an argument and returns some sort of "index" from the SHM, let's call it MemGetOffset
. Then it puts the value 0xffffffff
in the first two DWORD
s of the offset. Maybe the first call was some kind of allocation? Let's name it maybe_MemAlloc

Then, there's a loop which calls 13 times the function sub_2B0C
with three arguments: the loop index and two functions, sub_2DE5
and sub_2DF6
. This function first verifies that dword_32168
is initialized. Then, it creates a structure (we will come back to this later) after a call to maybe_MemAlloc
, which tends to indicate we were right so let's get rid of the maybe_
. The last call inside that function takes the index as argument and walks through the SHM looking for an offset that corresponds to the argument. Once found, it returns its offset. As the index is the first value put in the structure previously created, we can consider it's its ID so we can rename sub_2A70
to MemFindStructOffsetFromID
. sub_2B0C
can be renamed to MemInitStruct
. As for the functions used as arguments. sub_2DE5
takes a pointer as argument and read the value at @pointer+24
. This could be the index of a value in the structure. We'll name it MemReadValueFromStruct
. sub_2DF6
instead writes to that same index so we'll call it MemWriteValueToStruct
. sub_3425
can be renamed to MemInitStructs
With all this in mind, we will rename sub_245C
to MemInit
Going back to step0
we now have some new information that help us. We now know that 128 bytes will be allocated in the shared memory and then used for STDIN. Looking at sub_3085
, it looks for the offset to a structure which ID was given as a parameter. Then it calls @struct+16
, which we know is MemWriteValueToStruct
. Maybe now is the time to create a structure from what we know:
_QWORD qwStructID;
_QWORD pMemReadValueFromStruct;
_QWORD pMemWriteValueToStruct;
_QWORD pDataOffset;
pthread_mutex_t* pMemMutex;
_BYTE gap[64];
The call to the write function is made with the pointer to what we entered in STDIN
so we can assume that @struct+24
is a pointer to some kind of data. Let's rename this function MemWriteDataToStruct
seems too complicated for now. sub_2F7A
behaves like MemWriteDataPointerToStruct
but reads a pointer instead so we can call it MemReadDataPointerOffStruct
Black magic strikes again with sub_44C4
but as its argument is a pointer to structure, it must have been allocated before thanks to MemAlloc
si I guess it's its counterpart, MemFree
. As for sub_24AB
, it makes some calls to MemFree
internally and puts 0
s in the global variable that were used by MemInit
so, same thing as before, it's its counterpart, MemFinish
Wow, guys, see that?! We renamed all the functions called by step0
& step1
except one! I told you we know much more than we thought! Just to show you, here's what step0
looks like now:
__int64 Step0()
unsigned int pScrambledInputOffset; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-24h]
unsigned int v2; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-20h]
unsigned int pInput; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-1Ch]
void *pInputOffset; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-18h]
void *pScrambledData; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-10h]
unsigned __int64 v6; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-8h]
v6 = __readfsqword(0x28u);
pInput = MemAlloc(128);
pInputOffset = (void *)MemGetOffset(pInput);
memset(pInputOffset, 0, 0x80uLL);
fgets((char *)pInputOffset, 128, stdin);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(0, pInput);
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(9u, &pScrambledInputOffset);
pScrambledInput = (void *)MemGetOffset(pScrambledInputOffset);
memcpy(src, pScrambledInput, 0x80uLL);
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0, &v2);
return v2;
We understand pretty easily that all the juicy stuff happens in sub_24DA
Bytecode decoding and execution
Well, now we have to deal with sub_24DA
. We're still looking for some hints that will tell us we're facing a virtual machine. We need proof!
So, this function is used with a pointer to byte_2E048
as argument.

This is a list of 3664 bytes with no obvious pattern. There are a lot of 0
s and other small values. There are some sequences that repeat themselves but we can't really deduce anything. That said, this could be a sort of bytecode. If you look closely, the call to the same function in step1
is used with a similar bytearray but a lot smaller. And there's a third bytearray that's very much alike but is never used. Maybe it is used by the VM itself and we cannot see the call until we know how to decode it.
Anyways, moving forward.

The control flow graph of the function is not too hard. We can easily spot four possible exits and one loop. Zooming in, we can see that it registers a handler for signal 15, SIGTERM

Going back to our nice strace
we can see that the only SIGTERM
received is received by thread0
[pid thread2] kill(thread0, SIGTERM) = 0
[pid thread1] --- SIGRT_10 {si_signo=SIGRT_10, si_code=SI_USER, si_pid=thread1, si_uid=1000} ---
[pid thread0] --- SIGTERM {si_signo=SIGTERM, si_code=SI_USER, si_pid=thread2, si_uid=1000} ---
The function registered only puts 0
in the global variable used to exit from the loop we'll examine later.

Following we have a call to MemInit
it was not already done. Then, we call sub_4ACE
with what we think is the bytecode as argument. This pointer is put in a global variable. We can rename this function maybe_SetupBytecode
. Following is a call to malloc
with 12
as value which corresponds to the number of threads run by thread0
so that may be an array of threads.

Now two consecutive calls to a function that creates the pipes we saw in the trace. We will rename it to CreatePipes

Two more consecutive calls. They are not difficult to analyze but there are a lot of things happening. sub_23D1
is called with three arguments:
- respectively the 2nd and 3rd index of the previously
'd array - the address of the function we named
- respectively the pipe array from the 1st and 2nd call to
Once inside the function, the process will fork itself. The parent, thread0
, will get back the PID of that process and create a VM_STRUCT_OBJECT
with it in the function we'll name CreateCoreStructObject
. At the same time, the child process, thread1
or thread2
, will call VMHandlersSetupAndExecute
and wait for instructions reading from its pipe.
The two following calls to sub_3C0A
simply close the read
end of the pipes.

New call to sub_23D1
this time with:
- the 1st index of the
'd array - a function we still don't know anything about,
- an array containing the two
end of the pipes
Until now, this corresponds exactly to what we observed in the trace. Great! As sub_23D1
initializes and executes what we named core
in our architecture drawing, we will name this function VMCoreExecute
. Let's continue before we take a closer look at sub_294E

The next two calls simply wait for their respective core to finish its execution and then read data in the corresponding VM_STRUCT_OBJECT
. It's time to update this structure by the way.
_QWORD qwStructID;
_QWORD pMemReadValueFromStruct;
_QWORD pMemWriteValueToStruct;
_QWORD pDataOffset;
pthread_mutex_t* pMemMutex;
_BYTE gap[32];
sem_t * pCoreSem;
_BYTE gap[24];

Then the result from the two executions is checked: if one of the value is 0xffffffff
then we break the loop, otherwise, we continue. Depending on those values data from the VM_STRUCT_OBJECT
will be read and wrote back:
- if
had some value, we will write back(41 * value_core1) + VM_STRUCT_OBJECT[10]->Data
- if
had some value, we will write back(41 * value_core2) + VM_STRUCT_OBJECT[10]->Data
- if none had a value, we will write back
82 + VM_STRUCT_OBJECT[10]->Data

Then the data offset of core1
and core2
is cleared and core0
waits for core3
to emit a SIGSTOP
. Immediately after, it sends a SIGCONT
To finish, the last two calls simply close and free the pipes created.
Here is the state of the function:
unsigned __int64 __fastcall sub_24DA(__int64 a1)
int dwValueAtObj10; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-CCh]
unsigned int *pdwVMCorePID; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-C8h]
int *pdwVMPipeCore1; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-C0h]
int *pdwVMPipeCore2; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-B8h]
int dwValueCore1; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-B0h]
int dwValueCore2; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-ACh]
__int64 pqwVMPipeCore3; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-A8h]
void (*_Sig15_Exit)(); // [rsp+48h] [rbp-A0h]
__int64 v10; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-98h]
int v11; // [rsp+D0h] [rbp-18h]
unsigned __int64 cookie; // [rsp+E0h] [rbp-8h]
cookie = __readfsqword(0x28u);
sigemptyset((sigset_t *)&v10);
v11 = 0;
_Sig15_Exit = Sig15_Exit;
if ( sigaction(15, (const struct sigaction *)&_Sig15_Exit, 0LL) )
if ( !dword_321CC )
pdwVMCorePID = (unsigned int *)malloc(0xCuLL);
if ( !pdwVMCorePID )
pdwVMPipeCore1 = CreatePipes();
pdwVMPipeCore2 = CreatePipes();
VMCoreExecute(pdwVMCorePID + 1, (void (__fastcall *)(__int64))VMHandlersSetupAndExecute, (__int64)pdwVMPipeCore1);
VMCoreExecute(pdwVMCorePID + 2, (void (__fastcall *)(__int64))VMHandlersSetupAndExecute, (__int64)pdwVMPipeCore2);
LODWORD(pqwVMPipeCore3) = ClosePipeRead((__int64)pdwVMPipeCore1);
HIDWORD(pqwVMPipeCore3) = ClosePipeRead((__int64)pdwVMPipeCore2);
VMCoreExecute(pdwVMCorePID, (void (__fastcall *)(__int64))sub_294E, (__int64)&pqwVMPipeCore3);
g_dwContinue = 1;
while ( g_dwContinue )
VMWaitCore(pdwVMCorePID[1], &dwValueCore1);
VMWaitCore(pdwVMCorePID[2], &dwValueCore2);
if ( dwValueCore1 == -1 || dwValueCore2 == -1 )
g_dwContinue = 0;
if ( dwValueCore1 )
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xAu, &dwValueAtObj10);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(0xAu, 41 * dwValueCore1 + dwValueAtObj10);
else if ( dwValueCore2 )
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xAu, &dwValueAtObj10);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(0xAu, 41 * dwValueCore2 + dwValueAtObj10);
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xAu, &dwValueAtObj10);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(0xAu, dwValueAtObj10 + 82);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(pdwVMCorePID[1], 0);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(pdwVMCorePID[2], 0);
waitpid(*pdwVMCorePID, 0LL, 2);
kill(*pdwVMCorePID, SIGCONT);
return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ cookie;
Looks great, no? We're getting closer to the juicy stuff each time! Exciting! Maybe it's time to update the architecture to reflect what we know and don't.

I took the liberty of mapping names from the code analysis to those of the trace. Then, I also named the cores with a more semantic name that reflects what they actually do.
Looking at that drawing we see that only one name/function is missing. We don't have an instruction decoder! That HAS TO BE core3
! Let's find out by analyzing sub_294E

We can quickly spot some things: there a first loop and then an inner loop. The only way to step out of the function is by calling exit
if rbp-0x10 == 0

Zooming in to analyze the inner loop (I highlighted important basic blocs in teal to make it simpler), we can quickly spot that it really is the same code called twice every time for the outer loop. Looking at the only function called in the loop we see that it only writes 8 bytes to some file descriptor. This most probably writes some data to two pipes created, like we saw in the trace:
[pid thread3] write(fd_thread1_write, "\7\0\0\0\n\0\0\0", 8) = 8
[pid thread3] write(fd_thread2_write, "\10\0\0\0\v\0\0\0", 8) = 8

Now, for the outer loop things are a little messier. First, we have a call to sub_5DD9
. Then, while this call sends back something else than nothing, we first execute the inner loop, sending data to core1
& core2
. Right after this, core3
puts itself in hold sending a SIGSTOP
. And that's were you could ask: "yeah okay, it stops itself so what's the following instructions for?". Well, I'm glad you asked! Remember this part from core0
's code?
waitpid(*pdwVMCorePID, 0LL, 2);
kill(*pdwVMCorePID, SIGCONT);
That's were the magic happens! core0
will send back a SIGCONT
to core3
as soon it did its job. After it continues, core3
does this: MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xAu, &v2)
. Well, well well! What have we got here?! Code from core0
if ( dwValueCore1 )
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xAu, &dwValueAtObj10);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(0xAu, 41 * dwValueCore1 + dwValueAtObj10);
else if ( dwValueCore2 )
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xAu, &dwValueAtObj10);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(0xAu, 41 * dwValueCore2 + dwValueAtObj10);
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xAu, &dwValueAtObj10);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(0xAu, dwValueAtObj10 + 82);
It really sounds like some way to move the instruction pointer, no? VM_STRUCT_OBJECT[10]
would then be the instruction pointer.
This leaves us to only one important function left: sub_5DD9
. This has to be the bytecode decoder! Moreover, its only parameter is the value we just obtained from VM_STRUCT_OBJECT[10]
First thing we notice when accessing this function: IDA refuses to display the graph view, complaining that there are too many nodes. We could go into the graph settings and expand the value but this will only slow down the tool and won't be that helpful.

I can't show you everything because this function really is too big but basically it does this: 1. takes the value sent in parameter (renamed to dwBytecodeIndex in the capture) 2. adds an immediate value to it 3. sends it to sub_4A41
, which we don't really care about 4. depending on the result it jumps to another location
Eventually, things end-up between two states:

If the instruction could not be decoded, it goes to loc_2C87A
which sends back 0
to the decoding loop, therefor finishing core3
's execution.
If the instruction could be decoded a weird structure of 16 bytes is allocated on the stack. Based on the inner loop of sub_294E
, the different values we can observe and what we can see in the trace, its pseudocode could look like this:
_DWORD dwSigNum;
_DWORD dwCoreID;
Let's rename sub_5DD9
to VMDecodeInstruction
and sub_294E
to VMExecuteLoop
, which makes sub_24DA
Final architecture
Before we dive into the VM handlers and how we'll build an emulator, I want to be sure we all are on the same page.

To sum up what happens (and I hope I can make all that process appear simpler):
, theorchestrator
, creates 3 threads and two pipes- it launches all the executions and put itself in hold of
, theexecutor
s core0
read from their respective pipes, waiting for instructionscore3
, thedecoder
, loops through the bytecode and decode it- then, it sends the instructions to the
s through the pipes and put itself in hold, waiting to be continued - the
s signal themselves which handler has to be executed - they then signal the
their job is done - it moves the execution pointer based on the
s results and resets the state of eachexecutor
- it sends the
signal to thedecoder
to continue the execution if needed
See? Nothing too hard! Now let's build an emulator!
Building an emulator
To create an emulator we will need three things:
- a bytecode decoder
- execution handlers
- mimic the behavior of the shared memory
First, decode all the things!
Creating a lookup table with MIASM
When you looking at the massive VMDecodeInstruction
, it's obvious you won't try to reimplement the decoder by hand.
At first, I created a python script that would walk through Binary Ninja's MLIL to rebuild automatically the python code. As it was taking forever, I decided to drop that solution, reap the code of the functions I needed along with the bytecode and recreate an ELF using LIEF. Talking with a friend about that solution, he asked me "why don't you simply create a lookup table with MIASM? I just did that for a challenge and it worked out pretty well". Yes, WHY?
MIASM is a very powerful reverse engineering framework developed in python. It embeds some "tools" you can play with to automate your reverse engineering tasks. Today we will only be interested in the emulator capabilities of MIASM. I've never used it before so please, don't be mad at me for the code I'll share with you!
parser = Sandbox_Linux_x86_64.parser(description="ELF sandboxer")
parser.add_argument("filename", help="ELF Filename")
options = parser.parse_args()
sb = Sandbox_Linux_x86_64(options.filename, options, globals())
machine = Machine('x86_64')
cont = Container.from_stream(open(options.filename))
mdis = machine.dis_engine(cont.bin_stream)
First, we create a Sandbox
object and a disassembler. Then, we break on three addresses:
sb.jitter.add_breakpoint(0x2C87F, GetMem) # break on return of VMDecodeInstruction
sb.jitter.add_breakpoint(0x21B0, Malloc) # Break on call to _malloc because for some reason MIASM can't find the symbol
sb.jitter.add_breakpoint(0x4A9C, GetBytecode) # break on return of VMDecodeBytecode to return the good value that could not be loaded because of global variable not set
First, we will break on the last instruction of VMDecodeInstruction
to obtain the structure in rax
. Then, we'll break on malloc
just no to break the execution and, finally, we'll break on sub_4A41
, which we skipped earlier.
This function, that I renamed to VMDecodeBytecode
simply takes the dwBytecodeIndex+imm
value as parameter. It adds it to the global variable containing the pointer to the current's step bytecode and performs some bit-level operations on it, and returns a boolean.
def GetMem(jitter):
global lookup_table
lookup_table.append(jitter.cpu.get_mem(jitter.cpu.RAX, 16))
return True
def GetBytecode(jitter):
jitter.cpu.RAX = (u8(bytecode[jitter.cpu.RDI/8]) >> ((7 - jitter.cpu.RDI) % 8)) & 1
return True
def Malloc(jitter):
jitter.cpu.RAX = linobjs.heap.alloc(sb.jitter, 0x10) # simulate malloc (the jmp malloc was rewritten by a ret to prevent MIASM error)
return True
For some reasons I had to patch malloc
calls to a simple ret
to make it work. But as you see, nothing hard here. GetBytecode
is simply the translation of VMDecodeBytecode
to python. Why didn't I just let MIASM execute it? It's because it's using a global variable that I didn't know how to initialize using MIASM. So I decided to reimplement it and extract the bytecode from the binary.
def emulate(sb, x, bc, lt):
global bytecode, lookup_table
bytecode = bc
lookup_table = lt
for i in range((len(bytecode) * 8) - 1):, i) # VMDecodeInstruction
emulate(sb, 0, step0, lookup_table_step0)
emulate(sb, 1, step1, lookup_table_step1)
emulate(sb, 2, step2, lookup_table_step2)
As you can see, the emulation steps are really easy. We simply ask MIASM to directly call VMDecodeInstruction
with an index and we're done. Then, we just have to save the output to a file and we have the lookup tables for all the steps of the crackme, including the "hidden" bytecode.
Here is what it looks like for step0 after the script is run:
['\x08\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00', '\x08\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff', '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff', '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff', ...
This data looks exactly like what is sent to the cores and the first row is the same as the first batch of write
so we know we have the good input!
Analyzing instruction handlers
So know we know how everything is executed but we still don't know what is executed so let's tackle this and reverse the handlers!
This is a first time I reverse a virtual machine so I'm very new to the process. I did not really know were to start so I first looked for the easiest function possible, which happened to be VMHandler_Sig08_Op06

We only have three calls we don't know anything about and one small loop.
The first call, to sub_3621
, simply returns the current signal number.
The last call, to sub_4A9D
, seems to simply move forward the current instruction pointer of two and return the instruction before the pointer was moved. This function is called five time.
The call in the middle, to sub_48DC
is more difficult, that's why I kept it for the end. If we look for XREFs we see that the function (like the two others) is used by every handler. Looking inside the function, we can see 2 main loops each having one inner loop. Those loops fill a malloc
'd block of 0x18
bytes with VMFetchOpcode
's result (sub_4A9D
renamed) and an addition. To be honest, I didn't really try to understand what this was doing, I just reimplemented the whole thing in python.
This is what it looks like:
def DecodeBytecode(self, offset):
return (u8(self.bytecode[offset/8]) >> (7 - offset % 8)) & 1
def FetchOpcode(self):
x = self.DecodeBytecode(self.pc)
self.pc += 2
return x
def FetchInstruction(self):
regs = [None] * 6
for i in range(3):
regs[i * 2] = 0
for _ in range(3):
x = 2 * regs[i * 2]
regs[i * 2] = x + self.FetchOpcode()
for i in range(3):
regs[(i * 2) + 1] = 0
for _ in range(9):
x = 2 * regs[(i * 2) + 1]
regs[(i * 2) + 1] = x + self.FetchOpcode()
return regs
The function itself:
dwCurrentSignal = VMGetCurrentSigNum();
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xAu, &dwIndex);
dwIndex += HIDWORD(dwCurrentSignal);
_ = VMFetchInstruction((__int64)&dwIndex);
for ( i = HIDWORD(dwCurrentSignal); i <= 4; ++i )
dwPid = getpid();
So, we fetch the instruction pointer from the object 0xA
, we fetch the instruction and immediately after, we move the pointer forward. This here is a NOP
! We do nothing except moving the instruction pointer. The loop really looks like an epilogue and everything until the loop to a prologue.
The second one was VMHandler_Sig06_Op04

This might look like it's doing a lot but actually we already have all the information we need for this one. We have the prologue and epilogue and in between we have this:
if ( *pInstruction == 1 )
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(pInstruction[1], &pSomeData);
pSomeData = pInstruction[1];
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(9u, pSomeData);
dwPID = getpid();
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(dwPID, 0xFFFFFFFF);
_dwPID = getppid();
kill(_dwPID, SIGTERM);
We know that core0
will stop if one of the executor
s' data is 0xffffffff
plus we see the SIGTERM
. We know that step0
pulls data from object 9
and put the content into a variable after the VM execution:
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(9u, &pScrambledInputOffset);
pScrambledInput = (void *)MemGetOffset(pScrambledInputOffset);
memcpy(src, pScrambledInput, 0x80uLL);
So this handler has to be a VMExit
! Continuing, we see that VMHandler_Sig07_Op05
is easy too. The actual payload of the handler is this:
pInstruction = VMFetchInstruction((__int64)&dwIndex);
pSomeData = 0;
if ( *pInstruction != 1 )
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(pInstruction[1], &pSomeData);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(pInstruction[1], -pSomeData);
This is obviously a neg
. Moving on to VMHandler_Sig04_Op02
, we're not scared anymore! That said, this one is a little messier and demands some more explanation.
pBuf = (unsigned __int64)VMFetchInstruction((__int64)&dwIndex);
dwSize = 0;
pBuffer = 0;
if ( *(_DWORD *)pBuf == 1 )
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(*(_DWORD *)(pBuf + 4), &dwSize);
dwSize = *(_DWORD *)(pBuf + 4);
if ( *(_DWORD *)(pBuf + 8) == 2 )
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(*(_DWORD *)(pBuf + 12), &pBuffer);
*((_QWORD *)&pBuf + 1) = MemGetOffset(pBuffer);
memset(*((void **)&pBuf + 1), 0, dwSize);
read(STDIN_FILENO, *((void **)&pBuf + 1), dwSize);
Okay so HEX-RAYS's doing some weird things because of compiler's optimizations. Anyways, to understand what's going on we get rid of what we know.
We know how read
works: it's reading data (here from STDIN
) of given size and putting it in a buffer. So here, if VMFetchInstruction
first value decoded is 1
, we need to fetch the size of the data from an object, otherwise, it's fixed. That's the same thing for the buffer. As for the current function we analyze, this is obviously a ReadSTDIN
come down to the same thing excepts that it outputs to STDOUT instead so that the handler to WriteSTDOUT
Now, real things begin.

Basically, this is nothing more than what we already saw but with more values. This all comes down to "if it's a pointer then,", "if it's an immediate then,", etc. In the end, this is nothing more than b = *b + a
, so, it's an ADD
. VMHandler_Sig11_Op09
is very much the same except it's an AND
Looks very much like ReadSTDIN
and WriteSTDOUT
pFreeObject = MemAlloc(dwSize);
if ( *pInstruction == 1 )
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(pInstruction[1], pFreeObject);
*pSomePointer = pFreeObject;
is a MemAlloc
with VMHandler_Sig12_Op10
being it counterpart, a MemFree
. We're getting good at this, only three handlers left!
Now VMHandler_Sig10_Op08
if ( *pInstruction == 1 )
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(pPointer0, pPointer1);
*_pPointer0 = pPointer1;
Do you know why I give you such small code every time? This is because we already figured out all the rest. We already know that all the if
s are only there to know what kind of data the instruction will have to deal with. As that's always the same code (or almost), this makes it very easy the extract the real payload of each handlers. So here, this is obvious we're facing a MemMove
is a little trickier so I'll give you some additional code as it's not implementing the same mechanisms the others do:
for ( i = 0; i <= 2; ++i )
if ( pInstruction[2 * i] == 6 )
*((_DWORD *)&v12 + i) = pInstruction[2 * i + 1];
else if ( pInstruction[2 * i] == 7 )
*((_DWORD *)&v12 + i) = -pInstruction[2 * i + 1];
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xBu, &flag);
if ( flag )
if ( flag >= 0 )
_where = v13;
_where = HIDWORD(v12);
_CoreObj = getpid();
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(_CoreObj, _where);
where = v12;
CoreObj = getpid();
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(CoreObj, where);
As always, let's begin by the end. We can see that we're writing some data to the current executor
's structure. The only reason to do this we know of lies yet again in the orchestrator
's code:
if ( dwValueCore1 )
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xAu, &dwValueAtObj10);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(0xAu, 41 * dwValueCore1 + dwValueAtObj10);
else if ( dwValueCore2 )
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xAu, &dwValueAtObj10);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(0xAu, 41 * dwValueCore2 + dwValueAtObj10);
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(0xAu, &dwValueAtObj10);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(0xAu, dwValueAtObj10 + 82);
If one of the executor
s had a value in its data at the end of an execution cycle, the instruction pointer would be moved relatively to that value. So here, we quickly understand that the value we'll write is the size of the jump.
Before this we have two if
. Now, why would we have if
except if the jump was a conditional jump based on flag value?
The rest, I don't know and, honestly, we don't really care for the emulator. We will simply reap the code and it'll work, like for the other functions!
The last function what a discovery for me so I will try to explain it in details.
MemReadDataPointerOffStruct(pInstruction[1], &pSomeData);
nptr = (char *)&pSomeData;
dwIntValue = atoi((const char *)&pSomeData);
if ( dwIntValue )
v0 = log10((double)(signed int)abs(dwIntValue));
v5 = (signed int)(floor(v0) + 1.0);
v5 = 1;
if ( dwIntValue < 0 || *nptr == '-' )
v8 = (dwIntValue + 192) & 0xFF;
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(pInstruction[1], v8);
MemWriteDataPointerToStruct(9u, v5);
I guess some of you already know what it does just by looking at it but for the others, like me, let's try to understand it bit by bit.
First, we obtain an integer value from a pointer thanks to atoi
. Then, if it's non zero, we make some weird calculation. As we all know, log10(1)=0
, log10(10)=1
, log10(100)=2
, and so on. So, 1<log10(90)<2
, same goes for 1<log10(15)<2
. Then, floor(log10(100)+1)=3
, floor(log10(15657)+1)=5
. Do you see where we're going? floor(log10(abs(X))+1)
is simply calculating the number of figures (or length) your integer is composed of! This blew my mind! If the number was 0
, its length is 1
The second simply ignores negative numbers. The last calculation, you'll see later!
This function is nothing more than DecodeInt
! And here we are, we analyzed all the handlers. Now, we just have to add them to our emulator (which is left as an exercise for you or you can check the code in
To be sure we're on the same page, here are our functions renamed:
Avoiding problems with the allocator
The last bit missing to build a complete emulator is memory management. Until now we did not really care about what the SHM was used for. We know it's a shared memory between all core that's used to hold some data. Most of the data is in the form of a VM_STRUCT_OBJECT
. We also know the executor
s states are stored in there, and our input too. We also know what are some of them used for:
: results0xA
: instruction pointer0xB
: conditional flags
We did not check at all the allocator's implementation and called it "black magic". At first, I tried to reimplement it by simply observing the state of the memory between each allocation. After quite some times I managed to have a working implementation.
That being said, when coding the emulator, I ran into some problems I didn't think about. I decided to put all this work into the trash (I love to do this) and use a simple python list to hold what I then named objects
VM_OBJ_THREAD0 = 0x1 << 12
VM_OBJ_START = 0x1 << 20
VM_OBJ_END = 0xf << 20
VM_OBJ_INPUT = 0x1 << 8
self.objs = {}
for i in range(13):
self.objs[i] = 0
self.objs[VM_OBJ_THREAD1] = 0
self.objs[VM_OBJ_THREAD2] = 0
self.objs[VM_OBJ_THREAD3] = 0
def MakeObj(self, to, length):
idx = random.randint(VM_OBJ_START, VM_OBJ_END)
for i in range(length):
self.objs[idx+i] = 0
self.objs[to] = idx
return idx
def Malloc(self, core):
idx = self.MakeObj(v0, v1)
def run(self, input):
for i, l in enumerate(input):
self.objs[VM_OBJ_INPUT+i] = ord(l)
self.objs[0] = VM_OBJ_INPUT
This allowed me to quickly build a fully functional emulator! As you can see pointers are simply dictionary values and the actual data at the address
(key of the dict) pointed to is simply put in the next keys. For example, the input "rainismean" will look like this:
self.obj[256] = "r"
self.obj[257] = "a"
# snip
self.obj[265] = "n"
So, the "pointer address" will be 256
Solving the real problem
Okay, so, we have an emulator capable of playing any part of the challenge. Problem is we still don't know what the input format looks like. We still have no idea what we have to do and what the original problem is.
$ python INPUT="a"
[!] 0x0000: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x01], 0x00 EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x02], obj[0x00] = 0x100
[!] 0x000a: EXECUTOR0: alloc obj[0x3], 0x80 = 0x6b01e6 EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x04], 0x00
[!] 0x0014: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x05], obj[0x03] = 0x6b01e6 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x001e: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x05], obj[0x04] = 0x6b01e6 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0029: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x6b01e6], 0x00 EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x04], 0x01 = 0x0001
[!] 0x0033: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x04] = 0x01
[!] 0x003d: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-1
[!] 0x0047: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x0b], 0x80 = 0x007f
[!] 0x0052: EXECUTOR0: jmp -12 (0x0014) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0014: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x05], obj[0x03] = 0x6b01e6 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x001e: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x05], obj[0x04] = 0x6b01e7 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0029: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x6b01e7], 0x00 EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x04], 0x01 = 0x0002
[!] 0x0033: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x04] = 0x02
[!] 0x003d: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-2
[!] 0x0047: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x0b], 0x80 = 0x007e
[!] 0x0052: EXECUTOR0: jmp -12 (0x0014) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0014: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x05], obj[0x03] = 0x6b01e6 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x001e: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x05], obj[0x04] = 0x6b0265 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0029: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x6b0265], 0x00 EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x04], 0x01 = 0x0080
[!] 0x0033: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x04] = 0x80
[!] 0x003d: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-80
[!] 0x0047: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x0b], 0x80 = 0x0000
Holy cow! This is working! We can see the matrix!
So, we see we allocate an object of length 128
. Then we see a loop. This is easily recognizable as we see the same group of 7 instructions repeated again and again. We can see that they iterate over the newly created object and initialize it to 0
[!] 0x0052: EXECUTOR0: jmp 2 (0x005c) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x005c: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x04], 0x00 EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x05], obj[0x03] = 0x6b01e6
[!] 0x0066: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x06], obj[0x03] = 0x6b01e6
[!] 0x0070: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x07], obj[0x04] = 0x00 EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x06], 0x01 = 0x6b01e7
[!] 0x007b: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x07], 0x02 = 0x0002 EXECUTOR1: alloc obj[0x8], 0x0a = 0x34e5fb
[!] 0x0085: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x06], 0x02 = 0x6b01e9 EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x07], 0x03 = 0x0005
[!] 0x008f: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x07], obj[0x06] = 0x6b01e9
[!] 0x0099: EXECUTOR0: free obj[0x08] EXECUTOR1: NOP
To be honest I'm not sure I get what's happening here... We put a pointer to 0x6b01e6
in 0x05
and 0x06
, then we allocate an object almost immediately freed. Then we put a pointer to 0x6b01e9
in 0x07
[!] 0x00a4: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x01] = 0x00 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x00ae: EXECUTOR0: jmp 14 (0x00f6) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x00f6: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x100] = 0x61
[!] 0x0100: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: and obj[0xb], 0x61, 0xff
[!] 0x010a: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-61
[!] 0x0114: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x0b], 0x6c = 0x000b
[!] 0x011f: EXECUTOR0: jmp 58 (0x0248) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0248: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x100] = 0x61 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0252: EXECUTOR0: and obj[0xb], 0x61, 0xff EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x025c: EXECUTOR0: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-61 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0267: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x0b], 0x72 = 0x0011 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0271: EXECUTOR0: jmp 62 (0x03af) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x03af: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x100] = 0x61 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x03b9: EXECUTOR0: and obj[0xb], 0x61, 0xff EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x03c3: EXECUTOR0: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-61 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x03cd: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x0b], 0x73 = 0x0012 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x03d8: EXECUTOR0: jmp 118 (0x0634) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0634: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x100] = 0x61 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x063f: EXECUTOR0: and obj[0xb], 0x61, 0xff EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0649: EXECUTOR0: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-61 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0653: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x0b], 0x67 = 0x0006 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x065d: EXECUTOR0: jmp 96 (0x0849) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0849: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x100] = 0x61 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0854: EXECUTOR0: and obj[0xb], 0x61, 0xff EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x085e: EXECUTOR0: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-61 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0868: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x0b], 0x0a = 0x-057 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0872: EXECUTOR0: jmp 166 (0x0bc5) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0bc5: EXECUTOR0: Write D EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0bcf: EXECUTOR0: Write i EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0bda: EXECUTOR0: Write d EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0be4: EXECUTOR0: Write EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0bee: EXECUTOR0: Write y EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0e41: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x00], obj[0x04] = 0x00 EXECUTOR1: exit(0x00)
[-] exec done
Here comes the juicy part.
Available instructions
So in the previous listing we can see that the first byte of our input (object 0x100
) is put into object 0x0b
and then compared (thanks to the ADD
) to some values: 0x6c
, 0x72
, 0x73
, 0x67
, and 0x0a
. These are the ASCCI values 'lrsg\n'.Then, as our input doesn't correspond to any of those, the error message is displayed. We lost!
But that's our first tangible clue! What happens if we put a 'l' instead?
$ python INPUT="l"
[!] 0x00a4: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x01] = 0x00 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x00ae: EXECUTOR0: jmp 14 (0x00f6) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x00f6: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x100] = 0x6c
[!] 0x0100: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: and obj[0xb], 0x6c, 0xff
[!] 0x010a: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-6c
[!] 0x0114: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x0b], 0x6c = 0x0000
[!] 0x011f: EXECUTOR0: jmp 2 (0x0129) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0129: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x01], 0x01 = 0x0001 EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x02], 0x01 = 0x0101
[!] 0x0133: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x101] = 0x0a
[!] 0x013d: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: and obj[0xb], 0x0a, 0xff
[!] 0x0148: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-a
[!] 0x0152: EXECUTOR0: NOP EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x0b], 0x65 = 0x005b
[!] 0x015c: EXECUTOR0: jmp 274 (0x06d8) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x06d8: EXECUTOR0: jmp 246 (0x0bc5) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0bc5: EXECUTOR0: Write D EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0bcf: EXECUTOR0: Write i EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0bda: EXECUTOR0: Write d EXECUTOR1: NOP
This time, we passed the first check and a new one appeared, looking for a 0x65
as second character in the input. Continuing this iterative process we observe the four following inputs:
goto INT
When a valid input is detected, the following happens (here the input was left
[!] 0x01d7: EXECUTOR0: jmp 2 (0x01e1) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x01e1: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x01], 0x01 = 0x0004 EXECUTOR1: add obj[0x02], 0x01 = 0x0104
[!] 0x01ec: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x05], obj[0x03] = 0x7fb3c9 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x01f6: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x05], obj[0x04] = 0x7fb3c9 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0200: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x04], 0x01 = 0x0001 EXECUTOR1: mov obj[0x7fb3c9], 0x01
[!] 0x020a: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x0b], 0x00 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0215: EXECUTOR0: jmp -72 (0x00a4) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x00a4: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x01] = 0x04 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x00ae: EXECUTOR0: jmp 2 (0x00b8) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x00b8: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x104] = 0x3b EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x00c2: EXECUTOR0: and obj[0xb], 0x3b, 0xff EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x00cd: EXECUTOR0: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-3b EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x00d7: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x0b], 0x3b = 0x0000 EXECUTOR1: NOP
We can see that a value of 0x1
is put in the first offset of the object allocated at the beginning of the execution. Then, the application looks for a ";". Using the same technique as earlier, we can find the following values:
goto INT
Remember when we saw v8 = (dwIntValue + 192) & 0xFF;
and I said "we'll see for this later"? Well, later is now. This is where the 0xC0+INT
comes from.
If we input one or more valid instructions, then, this is what happens (input was right;skipnext;right;left;left;
[!] 0x0849: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x0b], obj[0x11f] = 0x0a EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0854: EXECUTOR0: and obj[0xb], 0x0a, 0xff EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x085e: EXECUTOR0: neg obj[0x0b] = 0x-a EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0868: EXECUTOR0: add obj[0x0b], 0x0a = 0x0000 EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x0872: EXECUTOR0: jmp 2 (0x087d) EXECUTOR1: NOP
[!] 0x087d: EXECUTOR0: mov obj[0x00], obj[0x04] = 0x05 EXECUTOR1: exit(0x57103b)
[+] Exec done; Return: 5
We can see that executor1
sends the exit
instruction along with the pointer to the object created at the beginning. It also returns the value 5
here, which corresponds to the total number of instructions in the input. Say we give the program left;
, it will return 1
Original problem: robots parachuted on a line
Now that we now what the input must look like, we can try understanding the problem. At first, I ran stage1
for hours without understanding what was happening. Then, I asked "what if this is a known problem?". I tried to formulate the behavior I was witnessing to Almighty Google but nothing was coming out. Then I tried with the instruction. And that's when I realized how dumb I have been this entire time.
This problem is pretty easy to understand and solve. It was originally asked during Amazon interviews. Two robots are parachuted at random positions on the same line.
In the binary, the position of the robots and their respective parachutes is simulated thanks to the functions we named InitRands
and ConstrainRand
in main
To solve the problem we have to make the two robots collide. For this, you have the four listed instructions. When a robot leaves its original position, it leaves its parachutes there. Things is skipnext
will skip the next instruction for the robot if a parachute exists on its current position. So the tips is to make one robot move "faster" than the other one using this instruction.
For example, the following program will make the robots collide on the debugger:
start: left
goto start
quick: left
goto quick
Added constraints and solution
Sadly for us, this solution won't work on the challenge because some constraints were added.
if ( *pdwPositions != pdwPositions[1] || dwNbInstruction != 7 )
puts("What a mess. People are throwing you tomatoes. Go fix your partition.");
puts("The Band is off the stage. The public applauses. Everyone is tremendously happy.");
puts("Good job. Use your input as the flag (and if you get this message but your flag is not accepted, contact us).");
Here we see one of those constraints. We have to use exactly 7 instructions, otherwise, we fail. Adapting the payload would be quite easy if that was all but the second, and more perfidious constraint, checks that exactly 128 steps are executed. If you do less, you loose. More, you loose. Honestly, I don't really understand the interest of this. Moreover, the validation interface was not ready for this. There were tones of solutions so the organizers had to add them by hand whenever someone wanted to validate with an unattended solution.
That said, as I was too lazy to create a script that would find all the solutions, I felt around until I finally succeeded with the following input:
goto 1;goto 1;left;skipnext;goto -3;left;goto -1;
The Band is off the stage. The public applauses. Everyone is tremendously happy.
Good job. Use your input as the flag (and if you get this message but your flag is not accepted, contact us).
Easter egg bonus
As you can see, we don't look at the second and third bytecode at all because there was no need too (although I studied the second one for HOURS). So what was in the third one? Let's see:
[!] 0x0000: Core0: Write P Core1: NOP
[!] 0x000a: Core0: Write l Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0014: Core0: Write e Core1: NOP
[!] 0x001e: Core0: Write a Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0029: Core0: Write s Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0033: Core0: Write e Core1: NOP
[!] 0x003d: Core0: Write Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0047: Core0: Write e Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0052: Core0: Write n Core1: NOP
[!] 0x005c: Core0: Write t Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0066: Core0: Write e Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0070: Core0: Write r Core1: NOP
[!] 0x007b: Core0: Write Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0085: Core0: Write t Core1: NOP
[!] 0x008f: Core0: Write h Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0099: Core0: Write e Core1: NOP
[!] 0x00a4: Core0: Write Core1: NOP
[!] 0x00ae: Core0: Write f Core1: NOP
[!] 0x00b8: Core0: Write l Core1: NOP
[!] 0x00c2: Core0: Write a Core1: NOP
[!] 0x00cd: Core0: Write g Core1: NOP
[!] 0x00d7: Core0: Write : Core1: NOP
[!] 0x00e1: Core0: Write Core1: NOP
[!] 0x00eb: Core0: alloc obj[0x0], 0xff = 0x879dd2 Core1: NOP
>>> give me 255 char: aaaa&
[!] 0x00f6: Core0: Read obj[0x879dd2], aaaa& Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0100: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879dd2] = 0x61 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x010a: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x-61 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0114: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x41 = 0x-020 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x011f: Core0: jmp 2 (0x0129) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0129: Core0: add obj[0x00], 0x01 = 0x879dd3 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0133: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879dd3] = 0x61 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x013d: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x-61 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0148: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x59 = 0x-008 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0152: Core0: jmp 2 (0x015c) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x015c: Core0: add obj[0x00], 0x01 = 0x879dd4 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0166: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879dd4] = 0x61 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0171: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x-61 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x017b: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x4f = 0x-012 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0185: Core0: jmp 2 (0x018f) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x018f: Core0: add obj[0x00], 0x01 = 0x879dd5 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x019a: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879dd5] = 0x61 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x01a4: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x-61 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x01ae: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x6c = 0x000b Core1: NOP
[!] 0x01b8: Core0: jmp 2 (0x01c3) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x01c3: Core0: add obj[0x00], 0x01 = 0x879dd6 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x01cd: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879dd6] = 0x26 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x01d7: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x-26 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x01e1: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x33 = 0x000d Core1: NOP
[!] 0x01ec: Core0: jmp 2 (0x01f6) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x01f6: Core0: add obj[0x00], 0x01 = 0x879dd7 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0200: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879dd7] = 0x0a Core1: NOP
[!] 0x020a: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x-a Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0215: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x33 = 0x0029 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x021f: Core0: jmp 2 (0x0229) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0229: Core0: add obj[0x00], 0x01 = 0x879dd8 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0233: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879dd8] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x023e: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0248: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x74 = 0x0074 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0252: Core0: jmp 2 (0x025c) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x025c: Core0: add obj[0x00], 0x01 = 0x879dd9 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0267: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879dd9] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0271: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x027b: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x66 = 0x0066 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0285: Core0: jmp 2 (0x0290) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0290: Core0: add obj[0x00], 0x01 = 0x879dda Core1: NOP
[!] 0x029a: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879dda] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x02a4: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x02ae: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x6c = 0x006c Core1: NOP
[!] 0x02b9: Core0: jmp 2 (0x02c3) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x02c3: Core0: add obj[0x00], 0x01 = 0x879ddb Core1: NOP
[!] 0x02cd: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879ddb] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x02d7: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x02e2: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x61 = 0x0061 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x02ec: Core0: jmp 2 (0x02f6) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x02f6: Core0: add obj[0x00], 0x01 = 0x879ddc Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0300: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879ddc] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x030b: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0315: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x47 = 0x0047 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x031f: Core0: jmp 2 (0x0329) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0329: Core0: add obj[0x00], 0x01 = 0x879ddd Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0334: Core0: mov obj[0x03], obj[0x879ddd] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x033e: Core0: neg obj[0x03] = 0x00 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0348: Core0: add obj[0x03], 0x21 = 0x0021 Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0352: Core0: jmp 2 (0x035d) Core1: NOP
[!] 0x035d: Core0: Write O Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0367: Core0: Write k Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0371: Core0: Write Core1: NOP
[!] 0x037b: Core0: Write g Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0386: Core0: Write o Core1: NOP
[!] 0x0390: Core0: Write o Core1: NOP
[!] 0x039a: Core0: Write d Core1: NOP
[!] 0x03a4: Core0: Write Core1: NOP
[!] 0x03af: Core0: Write j Core1: NOP
[!] 0x03b9: Core0: Write o Core1: NOP
[!] 0x03c3: Core0: Write b Core1: NOP
[!] 0x03cd: Core0: Write ! Core1: NOP
[!] 0x03d8: Core0: Write
Core1: NOP
It asks you to input 255 characters and then, whatever you give it, it says "good job" even though all comparisons fail. If we decode bytes compared it gives us the fake flag AYOl33tflaG!
Thank you guys, that was a really nice challenge!
43 years before
Okay, that's the last one, finally! We're given a .asm
with the following information:
Don't always trust emulators... sometimes they are wrong

What's that?
From the image we can deduce the ASM will be assembly for 6502
The file is not that big and the assembly is pretty easily understandable without having to look at any documentation (for now). Let's see what we can understand rapidly:
// reset at $0000 & full ram zeroed
org $0000
JMP start
may be a directive to explain at which address the next instructions will be in memory and JMP start
probably jumps to the label start
org $0666
LDA first
BNE run
JMP alreadyrunned
INC first
org $08f4
:first DB $ff
Next instructions will probably be loaded from address 0x666
. We have our start
label and the we jump to run
if first
is not 0
otherwise we simply do an infinite loop. first
seems to be defined to the value 0xff
so our program will jump to run
DEC fctsel
LDA fctsel
CMP #1
BEQ callfct1
CMP #2
BEQ callfct2
CMP #3
BEQ callfct3
CMP #4
BEQ callfct4
CMP #5
BEQ callfct5
JMP alreadyrunned
org $08f4
:first DB $ff
:tmp DB 0
:fctsel DB 6
First, we decrement fctsel
which is defined to 6
and then we compare it to an immediate value: if that's the same, we branch to the accorded label. Here, we'll branch to callfct5
JSR jmpfct5
JMP main
org $08f4
:first DB $ff
:tmp DB 0
:fctsel DB 6
:fcttbl DW fct5
DW fct4
DW fct3
DW fct2
DW fct1
Long story short: JSR
is the equivalent of the call
instruction in x86
and all that fuss is nothing more than a jump table which will end in a call fct5
LDA #$1A
EOR $9005
STA $9005
LDA #$79
EOR $9006
STA $9006
LDA #$46
EOR $9007
STA $9007
LDA #$7C
EOR $9008
STA $9008
org $9000
data 'GH18{....}'
Nothing fancy: EOR
stands for Exclusive OR
so we're basically xor
'ing values like so:
def f5(flag):
flag[5] ^= 0x1a
flag[6] ^= 0x79
flag[7] ^= 0x46
flag[8] ^= 0x7c
return flag
flag = map(ord, "GH18{....}")
flag = f5(flag)
First thing to note here: don't fall into this vicious trap: “....” is not a placeholder, it's the actual value we want to xor
Coming back to main
, we decrement fctsel
and call fct4
LDA $9008
LDA $9007
LDA $9005
STA $9008
STA $9005
LDA $9006
STA $9007
STA $9006
Just a bit of explanation here: A
stands for accumulator
, a register where almost all operation results are put, and X
and Y
are special registers which can be used for temporary operations. Basically all this code is doing is swapping some values:
def f4(flag):
x = flag[8]
y = flag[7]
flag[8] = flag[5]
flag[5] = x
flag[7] = flag[6]
flag[6] = y
return flag
Continuing, we now call fct3
LDX $9008
:loop3 DEC $9005
CPX #'0'
BNE loop3
This one seems very easy but, actually, the second trap of the crackme is here. Look very closely. Yeap, it's CPX #'0'
and not CPX #0
so it compares with the actual character 0
and not the number!
def f3(flag):
x = flag[8]
while True:
flag[5] -= 1
x -= 1
if x == ord('0'):
return flag
We're almost done!
LDA $9007
STA tmp
:loop2 CMP $9005
BMI end2
INC $9006
DEC tmp
LDA tmp
JMP loop2
:end2 RTS
This one is a little harder even though it's still very understandable: BMI
is “branch minus” and CMP
simply does A - $9005
meaning we branch if A < $9005
def f2(flag):
tmp = flag[7]
while True:
if tmp < flag[5]:
flag[6] += 1
tmp -= 1
return flag
Aaaand, finally, the last one! Almost the same as fct4
but with a EOR
org $1500
LDA $9008
LDA $9007
LDA $9005
STA $9007
STA $9005
LDA $9006
STA $9008
STA $9006
LDA #$34
EOR $9006
STA $9006
def f1(flag):
y = flag[8]
x = flag[7]
flag[7] = flag[5]
flag[5] = y
flag[8] = flag[6]
flag[6] = x
flag[6] ^= 0x34
return flag
So now, we're done:
flag = map(ord, "GH18{....}")
flag = f5(flag)
flag = f4(flag)
flag = f3(flag)
flag = f2(flag)
flag = f1(flag)
print("".join(map(chr, flag)))
And we can now put the flag GH18{4cNr}
into the website and we're dooooooone!
Or not. So what happened?
Yeah, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? That's where I reviewed all my functions for hours, literally. Then I remembered there's a hint:
Don't always trust emulators... sometimes they are wrong
I'm pretty sure you forgot it too. What could that mean? At first I just though “yeah okay man, I don't use any emulator so I don't care”. And then I went crying to a friend that already solved the challenge and he said “this hint is really important” so I decided I'll try to understand what the author of the challenge means.
So what do emulators usually do? They execute some kind of bytecode as if it was the real processor doing it. It seems, for this architecture at least, things can sometimes/often go wrong so there may be a problem with some instructions that are harder than we think to emulate. Let's ask Google “6502 weird”. Nothing very useful. “6502 intricacies” maybe? Still nothing.“6502 emulator bug” is when it becomes interesting. For the first result, Google lists the following links: • View topic - (Yet Another) 6502 emulator in C › ... › Emulation and Simulation
Bug or Feature? 4 posts 10 mars 2018
emulator performance on embedded cpu 15 posts 24 juin 2015
AVR-based 6502 Emulator 15 posts 26 oct. 2012
Intentional 6502 "Bugs" 5 posts 3 févr. 2006
Okay now we can talk. We have two interesting results: “Bug or Feature?” and “Intentional 6502 "Bugs"”.
The first one is disappointing but here is what the second one explains: 6502 processors have a weird behavior when executing some instructions which people usually refer to as “bugs”. This post is not very clear but typing “6502 bug” leads us to nesdev. Looking more closely at the content, only two things can interest us:
o *An indirect JMP (xxFF) will fail because the MSB will be fetched from address xx00 instead of page xx+1.
Unlike most microprocessors, the 6502 does not make memory accesses on an
"as needed" basis. It always does a fetch or store on every single clock
cycle. There are a few cases, though, where there isn't anything to be
fetched or stored, and a "garbage" fetch or store occurs. This is mainly
of importance with the memory-mapped I/O devices:
o *When doing a fetch-modify-store instruction (INC, DEC, ASL, LSR, ROL,
ROR) garbage is stored into the location during the "modify" cycle...
followed by the "real" store cycle which stores the correct data. The
CMOS chips do a second fetch instead of a garbage store.
Reading more carefully we understand that the second one cannot be what we're after: it is only when doing I/O, which we don't, plus the data is correct in the end. This leaves us with the jump problem.
Here we have an even clearer explanation of the problem:
For example if address $3000 contains $40, $30FF contains $80, and $3100 contains $50, the result of JMP ($30FF) will be a transfer of control to $4080 rather than $5080 as you intended i.e. the 6502 took the low byte of the address from $30FF and the high byte from $3000.
So, now let's find the culprit! First JMP
we think of the one in fct2
but it's an absolute one. The only indirect jumps are the ones used by the jump table:
org $0666
So many jumps! Here we see that instructions start at 0x666, most-likely the culprit won't jump into any of these instructions.
org $08f4
:first DB $ff
:tmp DB 0
:fctsel DB 6
:fcttbl DW fct5
DW fct4
DW fct3
DW fct2
DW fct1
Data begins at 0x8f4 which is only 11 bytes from a 0x8ff value. Let's count (DB
are bytes and DW
are words):
org $08f4
:first DB $ff ; 0x8f4
:tmp DB 0 ; 0x8f5
:fctsel DB 6 ; 0x8f6
:fcttbl DW fct5 ; 0x8f7
DW fct4 ; 0x8f9
DW fct3 ; 0x8fb
DW fct2 ; 0x8fd
DW fct1 ; 0x8ff
Yeah! Here we are! The culprit is JMP(fcttbl+2*4)
as it jumps to 0x8ff
. As fct1
is located at 0x1500
, the low byte will be 00
and the high byte too because the memory at 0x800
is probably uninitialized.
This will jump to 0x0000
, which the beginning of the program but this time, first
won't be zero, meaning we'll end-up in the infinite loop I told you about. What this means for us is that fct1
won't be executed, leaving us with the following code:
flag = map(ord, "GH18{....}")
flag = f5(flag)
flag = f4(flag)
flag = f3(flag)
flag = f2(flag)
print("".join(map(chr, flag)))
This time, we obtain the flag GH18{NrW4}
by running which allows us to finally be done with this year's challenge!
I want to thank the creators of this year's challenge. Despite some very frustrating moments I had fun solving the problems. Let's play again next year!
Thank you to my proof-readers too. They were not even scared by the length of the article!