Investigating IDA Lumina feature
- 15/12/2020 - dansOverview
Introduced in IDA 7.2 Lumina is an online function recognition feature described in those terms:
“The Lumina server is currently very simple: it holds metadata (function names, prototypes, comments, operand types, and other info) about well-known functions. Any user can send or receive metadata from Lumina.
When using Lumina, IDA does not send byte patterns to the server. Instead, it sends some hash values and this is enough for Lumina to find the corresponding metadata. If metadata is found, it will be downloaded and applied to the current database. This is a great way to improve the disassembly listing. It is possible to configure IDA to automatically request metadata at the end of analysis.”
In a nutshell Lumina is the evolution of the good old FLIRT (Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology) mechanism with some improvements:
- feature is embedded in IDA GUI : external tools to generate signatures are no longer needed
- end users can select which function they want to generate a signature for (one, all or user selection)
- unlike
, all signatures and metadata are stored in a single database to avoid individual loading of each signature file - additional metadata is stored, instead of only function name and comment in the past.

Hex-Rays developers have implemented a custom TCP based RPC protocol to communicate between IDA instances and the servers. This protocol is simple: on each client request, a TLS/TCP session to
is established. The client initiates an RPC handshake followed by a client request, a server response, then the session termination.
TLS handshake
During a TLS handshake, the server certificate is checked against two hardcoded CA certificates:
Please note that TLS parameters (server, port and certificates) can be configured or disabled. More about that later.
RPC Protocol
This protocol seems to be a work in progress, as many packet handlers are not fully implemented yet (spoiler: for debug purpose? Or new IDA features ahead like local server or P2P communication for IDA Teams ☺️?).
RPC message creation is handled by the undocumented function new_packet
RPCMessage* new_packet(RPC_PACKET_TYPE pkt_type,
const char* data,
size_t size,
int version = 2);
// Each packet type is handled by its own class for (de)serializing network data:
class RPCMessage {
virtual ~RPCMessage();
virtual void serialize(bytevec_t* output);
virtual void deserialize(bytevec_t* , size_t offset);
// List of the available RPC codes for Lumina
enum RPC_PACKET_TYPE : uint8_t
OK = 0xa, // Server ack
FAIL, // Server ack with error message
NOTIFY, // Server ack with error message
HELO, // Client HELLO (handshake)
PULL_MD, // Pull metadata request
PULL_MD_RESULT, // Pull metadata response
PUSH_MD, // Push metadata request
PUSH_MD_RESULT, // Push metadata response
// below packet types are not handled by the server
DUMP_MD, // :'(
As mentioned above, the RPC protocol relies on a single handshake followed by a request/response message:
- handshake:
- the client sends an
packet to authenticate to the server with a valid IDA license - the server responds with an
with an "Invalid license" error message)
- the client sends an
- request can be one of the following:
- a
message that contains a list of function signatures to lookup. The server replies with aPULL_MD_RESULT
containing the list of results (function metadata) if found. - a
message that contains a list of function signatures and metadata to push. The server replies with aPUSH_MD_RESULT
containing the push "ack" and popularity of each function information. Popularity might be the number of (unique?) pushed signatures for this function.
- a
- other message types are not handled and server responds with an
with an "Unknown command" message
Lumina internals
Note: Lumina protocol and implementation are not yet "documented" in the IDA SDK. We reverse engineered most of the type structures and functions, some of them being exported by IDA core (Windows:ida(64).dll
, Linux:libida(64).so
) or available in the idapython repository.
Hex-Rays states that "It is like FLIRT but it is dynamic, stores more information, and can recognize functions that FLIRT cannot".
Signature generation algorithm is based on MD5 hash of "cleaned" function code: for each basic block in a function, IDA applies a bitmask on each opcode to zero out any variant information like relative and absolute addresses or nops. To get rid of variant bits, IDA uses a combination of get_wide_byte
(retrieves a byte from database) and undocumented method processor_t::calcrel
that provides a bitmask to "clean" the current instruction or data. Both chunk bitmask and masked data are saved for computing an MD5 hash for all blocks that will be the function signature. We won't get into further details on this process as it is a well-known problem, already discussed in a hexrays blog post about FLIRT
signature mechanism. Thus, the signature generation seems to be the same as FLIRT
The generated function signature is stored in a func_sig_t
struct func_sig_t {
uint32_t version; // current version == 1
qstring signature; // md5 digest
The func_info_t
structure represents the function metadata:
struct func_info_t {
qstring func_name;
uint32_t func_size;
bytevec_t serialized_data; // serialized matadata
uint32_t popularity; // returned by the server
Signature and metadata are stored in a func_md_t
struct func_md_t{
func_info_t metadata;
func_sig_t signature;
Metadata for a function is generated by ida!calc_func_metadata
// Exported by ida core
int /*func_size*/ calc_func_metadata(
char signature[16], // output MD5 signature
func_info_t *, // output info
func_t* pfn, // input function
void (__thiscall *callback)(void*, func_t*) = NULL);
Once metadata and signature are computed, they are serialized into an RPC packet to be sent.
Privacy considerations
Quoting the official documentation, metadata consists of the following information:
- function address, name, prototype
- function frame layout
- stack variables
- user-defined sp change points
- representation of instruction operands
- function and instruction comments
This statement is almost accurate: these are metadata sent for a given function but there is more information sent:
- on every request (in the
packet):- the entire content of the current ida.key file
- some unique identifier (or watermark) stored in the hexrays module file
- on push request
- the computer's hostname (or Windows machine name)
- the
full file path (yes, absolute path) - the corresponding absolute input file path (got by
) - the input file md5
We strongly advise you to take into account this potential information leak, especially when using non-official servers like If you need more control over the Lumina feature, or want to disable it, apply the following modifications.
Customize Lumina feature
The first thing you might want to do is to (partially) disable Lumina client and hotkeys from IDA settings.
Note: as mentioned in the documentation, we recommend modifying settings in the IDAUSR
directory, rather than in the IDADIR
, as modifications would override settings for each installed IDA version, even future ones.
Edit or create the ida.cfg
- Windows:
%APPDATA%\Hex-Rays\IDA Pro\cfg\ida.cfg
- Linux/OSX:
- from Python API: get
value by callingidaapi.get_user_idadir()
Lumina related settings are listed below. You can copy/paste the following recommended values:
// Lumina related parameters
LUMINA_HOST = "localhost"; // Lumina server url (default = "")
// Warning: don't forget the semicolon or file parsing would fail
LUMINA_MIN_FUNC_SIZE = 32 // minimum function size (in bytes) to trigger a query (default = 32)
LUMINA_PORT = 4443 // TCP port (default = 443)
LUMINA_TLS= YES // enable TLS (YES) or use plaintext tcp (NO) (default = YES)
Lumina default hotkeys are F12
, Ctrl+F12
and Alt+F12
, (in)conveniently very close to the well known Shift+F12
(Open strings window) shortcut.
You might also want to disable those hotkeys in $IDAUSR/cfg/idagui.cfg
the same way:
// Lumina commands
// Some commands are visible from Lumina menu under certain conditions
// Make sure to disable all hotkeys
"LuminaApplyMdFromList" = 0
"LuminaFunctionsPullMd" = 0
"LuminaFunctionsPushMd" = 0
"LuminaFunctionsRevertMd" = 0
"LuminaFunctionsViewMd" = 0
"LuminaIDAViewPullMd" = 0
"LuminaIDAViewPushMd" = 0
"LuminaIDAViewRevertMd" = 0
"LuminaPullAllMds" = 0 // default: "F12"
"LuminaPushAllMds" = 0 // default: "Ctrl-F12"
"LuminaRestoreMdFromList" = 0
"LuminaViewAllMds" = 0 // default: "Alt-F12"
Lastly, you should also disable the AutoUseLumina
option (auto request for metadata at the end of analysis) by unticking "Automatically use Lumina server" option in the Help->check for free updates

IDA is using hardcoded CA keys for certificate pinning, but we can also override root CA by adding a custom hexrays.crt
file in any of the config folders. This may become handy to implement our own server.
Having analyzed the Lumina protocol and pinpointed the lack of privacy and offline mode, we wrote a simple POC of Lumina server for private/offline use, available on github This is a simple Python script that implements a server for pushing and querying signatures, stored in a json "database" file. Server does not handle (yet) signature collision, metadata extraction or merge, and proxying to Hex-Rays servers (hey, it's a POC!).
Script can be used as a regular offline Lumina server or as a cheap synchronization method between multiple users. Just keep in mind that the nominal behaviour is that colliding signatures are appended to existing ones without merge, and the last pushed signature is fetched on a query. Don't forget to pull before pushing and use your favourite hotkey (ctrl-z
) or the revert
functionality in Lumina menu if you are no satisfied with the results.
You can also use the server as a one-shot instance to dump all your database functions and share the json file, to be applied to a fresh idb (without leaking information stored in the idb).
Protocol is implemented using Construct package so you can use it to implement your own server. Notice that implementing your own proxying method would allow you to remove private information sent to Hex-Rays but the servers always checks license and metadata validity sent in the HELO packet to grant querying access to the database. It is also worth mentioning that due to the protocol limitation, you cannot dump the entire online database for your own private use.
In this blogpost, we investigated the Lumina protocol internals and provided an open source implementation of an offline server. Lumina (ex FLIRT
) feature is a good way to get fast function recognition as it is natively implemented. It can also be used as a cheap database export and collaboration tool with some improvements.
Still, it is only useful for common functions recognition and not efficient for advanced identification, bin-diffing or collaboration work. Tools like diaphora and bindiff for diffing, polichombr and First for advanced function identification and IDArling or Yaco for collaborative work would be more accurate. Unfortunately, most of these tools are no longer maintained and were broken by the IDA API 7 transition, like the majority of the plugins ecosystem.