The company

Who are we?

Synacktiv aims to help companies evaluate and improve the security level of their information system. The company was founded in 2012 by two IT security experts. They have been working to make Synacktiv the French reference in offensive security ever since.


Nicolas Collignon et Renaud Feil

Nicolas Collignon and Renaud Feil are the founders of Synacktiv. As cybersecurity experts, they were not satisfied with the solutions IT security companies offered by then. Indeed, it seemed to them that no company was able to combine a high level of technicality - which consultants are fond of - with realistic and high-quality services meeting the needs and expectations of the clients.


It is based on this observation that Synacktiv was born in 2012. With the aim of helping companies assess and improve the security level of their information systems, Synacktiv's experts constantly improve their skills.

This is how Synacktiv's ambition is to become the French reference in offensive security.

Some numbers

Missions in 2023
€ turnover in 2023
graphique ca

Our values

picto- Expertise


Recruit the best technical experts and allow them to keep improving their skills. Meet the needs of the most demanding clients thanks to a team at the forefront of technology.
picto - Innovation


Constantly improve our methodologies and tools to address the challenges of tomorrow. Find innovative
and customized solutions to the needs of all companies.
Picto - Petinence


Adapt our methodology to the specific needs of each request. Respond precisely to our clients' demands and focus on the aspects they deem important.
Picto - Transparence


Aware of our skills and of our limits, we will not hesitate to refer our clients to other service providers if we are not the best suited to handle a demand.


Validated technical expertise
  • PASSI (Information Systems Security Audit Service Provider) on all scopes
  • CESTI (Information Technology Security Evaluation Center) accredited by the ANSSI to conduct CSPNs

Certifying body accredited by ANJ


Cybersecurity Made In Europe label issued by ACN (Alliance pour la Confiance Numérique)