
netdata apps.plugin security fixes

Synacktiv met netdata in the wild in the last few months. This blog post aims at telling the story of a vulnerability which was first forgotten 1 year ago and then partially fixed. On a standard setup, the vulnerability can be exploited by gid netdata to read arbitrary files owned by root. On a weak setup (as seen in the wild by Synacktiv), the vulnerability can be exploited by all users.

HP iLO talk at Recon Brx 2018

Since we presented our vulnerability in HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) 4 to Recon Brussels, we are now releasing the slides and tools that were developed during our study.

RCE vulnerability in HP iLO

On August 28th, HP published a security bulletin regarding a critical vulnerability in HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) 4. This blog post aims at giving some details about this vulnerability, and a few hints for administrators to protect their servers. This research only applies to iLO version 4.