
Battle of the parsers: PEG vs combinators

In this article we will compare two parsing strategies : PEG based and combinators based, from a developer's perspective, to parse Strace output for the SHH (Systemd Hardening Helper) Rust project.

iOS: a journey in the USB networking stack

In this article, we give a small journey inside the implementation of networking interfaces exposed by iOS when connected via USB. These are used for sharing a computer's connection with iPhone (tethering), sharing an iPhone's connection with a computer (reverse tethering) and since the latest versions of iOS, USB networking even carries RemoteXPC packets which seems to be the future common ground for all Apple based cross-device communications.

Writing a decent win32 keylogger [3/3]

In this series of articles, we talk about the ins and out of how to build a keylogger for Windows that is able to support all keyboard layouts and reconstruct Unicode characters correctly regardless of the language (excluding those using input method editors). In the first part, after a brief introduction introducing the concepts of scan codes, virtual keys, characters and glyphs, we describe three different ways to capture keystrokes (GetKeyState, SetWindowsHookEx, GetRawInputData) and the differences between those techniques. In t...

Writing a decent win32 keylogger [2/3]

In this series of articles, we talk about the ins and out of how to build a keylogger for Windows that is able to support all keyboard layouts and reconstruct Unicode characters correctly regardless of the language (excluding those using input method editors). In the first part, after a brief introduction introducing the concepts of scan codes, virtual keys, characters and glyphs, we describe three different ways to capture keystrokes (GetKeyState, SetWindowsHookEx, GetRawInputData) and the differences between those techniques. In t...

Writing a decent win32 keylogger [1/3]

In this series of articles, we talk about the ins and out of how to build a keylogger for Windows that is able to support all keyboard layouts and reconstruct Unicode characters correctly regardless of the language (excluding those using input method editors). In the first part, after a brief introduction introducing the concepts of scan codes, virtual keys, characters and glyphs, we describe three different ways to capture keystrokes (GetKeyState, SetWindowsHookEx, GetRawInputData) and the differences between those techniques. In t...

systemd hardening made easy with SHH

Introducing SHH, Systemd Hardening Helper, a tool written in Rust to automatically build a set of hardening options for a service using runtime profiling.

Credential Stuffing: Speeding up massive leaks databases

Despite the increasing usage of cross-origin authentication, password-based authentication is still massively used by people having to log into an account. With a minimal length, upper letters, digits, special characters or any constraints, people tend to reuse old passwords with little improvements. But when a website or any service is breached, then it is possible to use those for credentials replaying, password spraying or cracking attacks. In order to achieve these kinds of attacks, we have to store and query a huge ...

DJI Pilot Android Application Security Analysis

On 23/07/2020, we published a study of the DJI GO4 application. This application, allowing to control a drone, is dedicated to the consumer grade aircraft segment. We also studied DJI Pilot, the application dedicated to professionals and companies, in order to assess its security and look at the difference between the two apps. We found similar issues to those listed in our previous blogpost in this application, such as a forced update mechanism.

DJI Android GO 4 application security analysis

Drones are currently one of the most dynamic products, with multiple use cases across sectors such as personal and commercial videography, farming and land surveying, law enforcement and national security, and more. One of the market leaders, China-based Daijiang Innovations (DJI), is often in the news for suspected cybersecurity and data privacy issues. While there are technical reports sponsored by DJI stating that their associated mobile application, DJI GO 4, is harmless and does not send any personal information b...